Tete - He likes soft things

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Taehyung likes soft things, it was evident in everything he owned.

His soft blankets, his soft bed sheets, the million cushions he had in his room.

But there was one soft item that Taehyung kept hidden from the rest of his members.

His Tata plushie.

It's not like he was embarrassed (he was) he just, didn't think they needed to know about that side of him.

His smaller side...

He couldn't keep it hidden for long though, the stress of the comeback they were planning for was getting to him more than normal.

Near the end of the dance practice he began getting upset, he was tired and hungry and he kept getting steps wrong and his Hobi hyung was mad at him and he just wanted to go home!

He ran out of the room, much to the surprise of the other members.

"I'll go find him, I'm sure he's alright" Jin said, making his way out of the room and to the bathroom to find him.

Tae on the other hand was crouched in a stall, sobbing into his hands.

He felt so useless, and so small, he was just thinking about leaving and going home when he heard someone come in.

"Tae baby? It's Jin-hyung, can you open the door? I'm not mad sweetie, none of us are" Jin spoke softly to him, and the crying boy opened the door, looking up at him.

"Hyungie!" Tae sobbed, jumping into Jins arms, wrapping his legs around his waist.

He was so overdue for hugs and he just couldn't take it anymore.

He slipped, feeling littler than usual as he buried his face into Jins neck.

"Tae baby... are you little?" Jin asked cautiously, the sobbing and tight grip on his shirt that followed confirmed his suspicions.

"Thats ok sweetheart, lets get you home hmm? I think you need a nap..." Jin said.

He took the little back to the studio, intending to get both of their things and call a car round for them.

Yoongi was the only one still in the practice room, the others were off getting a drink.

"He's... Tae is little" he told Yoongi, who smiled softly, petting Taes hair before grabbing all their stuff.

"I already called a car for us, lets go hyung" Yoongi and Jin took Tae to the car, strapping him in and sitting down either side of him as they were driven home.

Jin texted the other members, telling them what happened and that they were heading home.

They all knew what littlespace was, so they weren't super shocked to find out Tae was little, Jimin was excited more than anything and he was bouncing off the walls.

They arrived at the house, Jin carrying Tae inside.

They agreed that the other members would come home later, so they didn't startle the baby or overwhelm him.

It was important that they didn't make Tae think they hated him.

"It's time for a nap baby, don't worry ok? Hyungies here..." Jin continued to soothe Tae as he put him into his own bed, snuggling up with him and stroking his hair as he fell asleep.

Jin looked down and saw one of the BT21 plushies, Tata. He smiled, picking it up and nudging Tae with it, who latched onto it, stuffing his face into it and sighing.

He clearly settled down, feeling content as Jin kissed the top of his head.

Tae fell asleep cuddled against his Jin-hyungie, with Tata cuddled into his arms, feeling safe and loved.

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