Chapter 18

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(TW: Drug abuse)

It was a little tricky being Nikki's make-shift "sobriety coach" at first, but they eventually figured out a system. A system in place that prevented Doc, the guys, the fans, and especially Mick, from knowing anything.

Normally, on any tour, Nat would stay with Mick. But, Mick now has a girlfriend, Nat thought it'd be best for them to stay in a room together, alone. She'd tell him she's staying with Doc, but she's really with Nikki, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

There's been a few times where she's caught him with shit, but over all, he's been doing pretty okay, thanks to Nat. But, with all that being said, the first night was probably the worst.

The band had just finished a show in Minneapolis, and were all sorts of fucked up. God only knows the amount of alcohol and drugs were in their systems, and how much was waiting for them when they get back.

Nikki was already pretty drunk as he stumbled down the steps backstage toward Nat.

"Heyy, Nat." he slurred all smiley.

"You smell like a brewery." she scowled, not looking up from behind her clipboard.

"How's my favorite girl?" he plopped down on the couch next to her and wrapped his arm around her.

"Jesus, you are very drunk. And sweaty." she tried to push him off.

"Oh c'mon you love it." he smiled as he pulled her down for a hug, her head ended up on his lap. She looked up at him with annoyed look as she blew her bangs out of her face.

"Oh hello." he smirked as he leaned down.

All of a sudden a camera flash went off.

"Say cheese Crue Queen!" shouted some sketchy dude who got past security with his camera.

It scared the shit out of Nat and made her fall to the floor.

"Alright, that's it." she shot up and stormed over to a security guard.

"Get him the fuck out of here. Now!" she snapped.

She took a towel off the table and threw it at Nikki, hitting him in the face. The rest of the guys walked in, girls under every arm and drinks in every hand.

"Hey, guys! You comin' to the after party?" Tommy said drunkenly as he stumbled in the room with a bottle of Jack in his hand.

"Fuck yeah!" Nikki shot up from the couch and immediately fell to the floor. Everyone laughed, including Nikki on his back. Nat grabbed Nikki's arms and helped him off the floor. She wrapped one of them around her shoulders to hold him up. 

"I don't think he's up for an after party. He's pretty fucked up already." Nat said to Mick on the side.

"Yeah, he's sauced." Mick looked at him with furrowed brows as Nikki just smiled.

"I think I'm gonna take him back to the hotel and get him settled." she said as she tried to prop him up. 

"Oh c'mon, babe! Let's go to the party!" Nikki slurred as he tried to steal a bottle of Jack off the table.

"Nope. C'mon let's go, Sixx." Nat propped him back up and started walking.

"Where are you taking me?" he mumbled as they stumbled past the group.

"Back to the hotel." she huffed as she struggled to keep him up.

"Oh shit! She's taking me home boys!" he hollered as the rest of the group did the same.

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