Chapter 6

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Jessies POV 11 am:

Today's Thursday. Lunch again. Yesterday I didn't get to talk with Fritz during that journalism class because the teacher wanted our full attention. But fuck. I so wanted to talk with him. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was way too pretty. My mind was saying I should focus on class but my heart said otherwise. I dreamed of those three boys together. God they were so cute. All happy together. Rockin and singing. Fuck... That's all I want... I can't even think anymore. I still don't understand how the hell I'm feeling like this all of the sudden but it's fucking amazing. I feel like I've said that a million fucking times in my head. But I need to focus. I'm around the gator crew now. I don't wanna embarrass myself by blushing too much just thinking about those three cute boys. The bell rang and I made my way down the hallway and towards the Gator crew who were standing by some lockers. They spotted me and waved me over. "Hey, Jessie!" One of them called me over. I made my way up to them. They were with some chicks. Kai's girlfriend, some of her friends, and this one chick that flirts with me. Kaelins her name. Now thinking of her, she makes me disgusted. For some reason. Mainly because shes disgusting in genral. I finally made my way up to them and everyone greeted me. Including that girl. Kaelin. "Hey Jessie~!" Kaelin asked me with a flirty tone. "Yo." I greeted back, acting like I didn't care. "You're going to the party Saturday right?" DJ asked me. "Of course I am. Ain't got nothing better to do." I answered. "Shits gonna be hype as fuck! I'm bringin the bong and drinks for us. Shits gonna be pimpin." Tommy said. So there's this huge party on Saturday at some rich kids' house and a ton of people are going. The place is gonna be filled with Juniors, Seniors, and some Freshmen and Sophomores. Pretty exciting. Just wonder how this is gonna go. "Shits gonna be lit for sure." Aidan added. I stopped paying attention to what they were saying. Probably just talking about dumb stuff. But the reason why I stopped paying attention was because I spotted a little  bunny walk on by and towards a locker near us. It was Riley. He didn't seem very grand today as he was yesterday. He had this sad emotion on that I could clearly see through him. "Aye, look at that kid over there." I heard Kai say. "What kid?" Aidan asked, taking a glance at who they were talking about. I then noticed who they were talking about. They were all facing Riley. What? Why? "You mean that fag over there?" Kaelin said. Did she just call him what I think she called him? “What about him?" I asked, joining in the conversation. "Heard from those dog guys that the kid sucks dick for a living." Kai said, lowering his tone. "Ha, no way." Ron said. “Hell yea. Kids a faggot. He tried askin one of the popular juniors out and the guy told everyone. The kids a cock sucker." Everyone laughed. Except me. He shouldn't be laughed at like that at all. I mean, I dont think hed do something like that but still, what the fuck is wrong with these assholes. My blood started to boil but I didn't say anything. I stayed cool. "I Bet he'd do it for free too." Aidan joked. "How much do ya wanna bet?" Ron asked him. "A hundred bucks." Aidan said. "Then let's test that theory." Ron said turning around to head over to the kid. That pissed me off a little. "Ron, don't fuck with the kid." I told him, catching everyone's attention. "Oh, I'm not fucking with him. Chill your cheeks." Ron said before leaving us and heading over to Riley. He made his way up to the bunny who was still organizing stuff in his locker until Ron leaned up right next to him on a locker. everyone around me quieted down to listen. "Hey, cutie~." Ron started off, clearly making Riley embarrassed. Riley sighed as his apperance, "What?" He asked with a beat down voice that sounded sad but annoyed. He was still continuing to organize his locker. The others giggled. I remained silent. "Word around the school is that your the best member taker." He said. "The best what?" Riley asked back. "You heard me. The best cock taker." He said more clearly. Everyone giggled again. My blood began to boil. Riley rolled his eyes and started to finish up to try and leave. "Oh cmon, your gonna reject a free offer?" Ron said. "Fuck off." Riley said. "Oh~ a feisty one~." Ron said. Everyone now laughed. I didn't and Kaelin noticed. "Jessie? You good?" She asked. I didn't answer. I just listened. "How about a hundred bucks? Hm?" Riley didn't respond. "How about two hundred?" No response again. "Oh, c'mon you faggot, you're telling me you don't want any cock?" Ron said, pushing him a little. That pushed me to the edge and I charged over there. Kaelin asked what I was doing but I didn't listen. "Ron!" I called to him. He turned around and Riley spotted me too. "Leave the fucking guy alone." I told him as I walked up to them. "What Jessie? You jealous your not getting any free head?" He asked me with a chuckle. "Go fuck yourself, Ron." I told him making him back up a little. "Oh c'mon Jessie, it's a joke." He said as Riley closed his locker and I stood next to him. "Yea, a joke. Go fuck off or I'll kick your fucking ass." I argued with him. Riley next to me didn't speak. "C'mon Riley. We're going." I told him, as I turned around and started walking. He quickly joined me. "Jessie!" Ron called for me as we both walked away. We got a distance away from them and I wanted to apologise to him. "I'm sorry about them." I apologised. "It's fine. Everyone does that." He told me with his sad voice still. "No, its not fine. You shouldn't be picked around like that." I said. "It doesn't matter if I am or not." He said. "Yea it does Riley.-" "Did you not hear what they said?" He asked me as we stopped by more of an empty hallway. "I'm a faggot. Everyone has a right to push me around. No one cares." He said. My heart jumped. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to learn more. He groaned. "I'm bi, Jessie. Which means I like guys and apparently to everyone else, that makes me a slut for cock, apparently." He told me, shocking me a little. "And?-""I don't like cock. I'm not even really into that. I just like boys. Thats it. But people think it's so terrible so I'm mistreated. For example, what just happened. It doesn't even matter, it's stupid anyway. Thanks for your help." He told me before trying to walk away and past me. He sounded so broken. Not sad but upset. He didn't argue with me. He just sounded so out of it. Like he gets this kind of treatment all the time and he’s used to it. I didn't want him to leave. He's not wrong at all for his feelings. So I said what I felt was right, "I don't think it's wrong." He froze. I think it shocked him. "You... You don't?" He asked, slowly turning to look at me. "No. I think it's normal. It doesn't matter how you feel about people. You love who you wanna love. As long as you're not murdering people, I find it perfectly fine." I told him as I walked back up to him. He huffed,"Really?" He asked very confused. "Y-yea." I answered. He made a nervous chuckle. "I... That... I really didn't expect that from you." He said. "Well then again, I'm not an asshole." He chuckled and I did too. Then the bell rang. We both stayed together though. We didn't move. "Hey, just dont let anyone poke you around for that ok?" I told him he nodded slowly. "I'll try not to." He said. I tried to think of something to say to make him laugh. "Next time if someone fucks with you on that note, just tell em that Jessie supports ya, and if they continue to fuck with ya, I'll kick their ass." He laughed. There we go. "I'll keep that in mind then. Thanks for the help, Jessie." He thanked me before turning around and beginning to walk away. I turned around and did so too. He's Bisexual... I didn't expect that. That's... That's pretty cute. Gives me a little bit of hope. And his laugh was adorable. I then noticed that the entire time I was blushing and I immediately whipped it off. The gator crew is gonna question that but fuck em for now. Rileys a sweet kid and he deserves to be treated like he's normal.

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