Chapter 16

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Jessies POV:

Today’s Wednesday. I was sitting in my class rereading those messages I sent Riley last night.

Jessie (8 Hours ago): Hey, I wanted to check in on ya and see if everything’s ok?

Riley: I’m ok. You don’t have to worry about me Jessie.

Jessie: Yes I do

Riley: I swear I’m ok. I’ll text you and alert you if anything bad is going on. Ok?

Jessie: Ok. Just please be safe.

I took a deep breath and sighed. He abetter be ok. I hope he’s ok. The bell rain and I immediately hopped out of my seat and rushed out of my classroom. Lunch hour. Fucking finally. I started to travel through the halls looking for anyone to chat to or for my loves and luckily, I spotted Fritz. But not in a good way. Some bird mother fucker threw him against a locker. My heart immediately skipped a beat and I rushed over there. It was that guy Fritz fought at the party. Kid thinks he’s so cool anyways he got his ass kicked. Before I got close thought, Fritz kicked his knee and then pushed him back. “Get away from me asshole!” Fritz barked at him. That shocked me. I’ve never seen Fritz like that before. I brushed past it though. That bird was about to get up and rush back over to Fritz but I beat him to it and blocked him from getting to Fritz. “The fucks going on here?” I barked at him. He seemed a little shocked at first. “Jessie?” He said. “Leave the kid alone asshole.” I growled at him. “Ha. Like your gonna stop me? Just cause your a gator doesn’t mean shit to me.” He growled back at me. “You wanna fucking bet?” I growled back at him. He gave me a death stare and then backed up after I returned it. “Fine. You can fuck the faggot. But just remember this the next time you see me.” He said before leaving. I growled under my breath and then turned to Fritz. He was looking aside at the bird walking away and then he sighed and looked down. I walked up to him. “Im sorry he keeps on pokin you around.” I apologised immediately. “Its ok. It doesn’t matter anyways.” He said. It’s my fault this guy does this to him. He doesn’t deserve any of this. “Could you... Could you stay with me during this lunch? I’m afraid of him coming back and Jules isn’t here today. He’s making up a test in class.” He asked me. “Yea. Of course.” I told him. He looked up at me. “Thanks.” He said. “Theres this little hidden spot no one goes if you wanna go over there and have a chat. Those birds won’t find us over there.” I told him. “Um sure. I guess we could.” He said. We both started walking in the halls and I took a glance at him. He seemed fine anyway the guy threw him at some lockers but his eyes seemed broken along with his ears being drooped down. “He didn’t hurt you, right?” I asked him as we continued walking. “No... emotionally though... kinda.” He answered. I hated that. “Fuck that guy. He can go fuck himself.” I growled. Fritz just gave me a little glance and then nodded. “He can go fuck himself.” He repeated me. We kept walking until we made it out into the court yard. It rained just a tad bit today so no one was really outside. The sky was dim and the mood felt tiering. Talk about scenery. “C’mon, this way.” I told Fritz, taking him towards the courtyard. We kept walking until we took this little like turn around the end of the courtyard and saw two benches leaned up against a wall. It was hidden from the rest of the area, making it why no one likes to sit here. I took a seat and Fritz sat down next to me. It was quiet for a moment. I... I needed to apologise for not being there when he needed me about the book thing but... he’ll just say it’s ok and it’s not my fault. “Hey Fritz?” “Hm?” “I’m sorry about not being there when you needed me on Monday. I wasn’t there for you or Jules and then I left you alone in the hallway and you got hurt. That’s my fault and I’m really sorry.” I said. He didn’t respond. I guess he did blame me. Maybe. And I don’t blame him. Then he just laid his head in his hands. “Its happening again, Jessie.” Fritz said. I looked at him confused. “What do you mean?” I asked him. “I get into something and then I get hurt and other people hurt. I just... I dont want that happening again...” He said. I had no words. “Those birds bothered Jules and I yesterday. They called him names like faggot and so many slurs. It hurt so much, Jessie. Then they started pushing him around. He doesn’t deserve that...” He said with a broken voice. I felt that pain as he told me it. “Fritz... Its ok man. You have friends to help you get through it this time. And I know I fucked up before but I’m here for you now. Ok?” I told him. He didn’t respond again. Then I herd him sniffle. My heart skipped a beat. He’s not crying is he? He then sat up and removed his hands from his eyes to show little tears rolling down his furry cheeks. “I dont want people to get hurt because of me... Even if they were bullied by Jules before, I don’t want that to be worse for him because he’s caring for me. I just...” He stopped himself. I felt terrible. I didn’t care if anyone was here looking at us or anything. I wanted to take care of my baby. I slowly placed my hand in his and held it softly. It felt sorta tense but when I held it he relaxed. I was blushing out of my mind. Say something you idiot! “Fritz.” He didn’t respond. Nor look at me. “Fritz, look at me. Please.” I begged him. He slightly looked at me and we locked eyes again. They were shattered. Like his amber started to fade. Oh my angel. “I know I’ve fucked up not being there for you but now I am. Im here for you Fritz. For you, Riley, and Jules. Ok?” I told him. He then released his my hand and swung his legs up the bench. He laid them over me, hugged me and then hid his head up against me. I was shocked with a mad bright red blush all over my face. But I just hugged him back. Like when Jules needs a hug when he’s upset. “I just don’t want people hurt again. I don’t wanna be hurt again.” He said with his voice breaking more. Say something dammit! “Hey Fritz... Its ok...” I told him, trying to calm him down. I started to pet the back of his sweet furry head. “Its ok. Just let it all out man. I’m here for you.” I heard him sniffle and sob less now as I just held him back. I love you my little fox. I love you so much. I swear I’ll never leave you alone again. “I promise I won’t leave you alone again.” I told him after repeating it in my head. He started to calm down now and all there was is his tiny little sniffs of sadness. I wanted give him a kiss. A little sweat kiss to tell him everything will be ok. I wish I could. He felt like he was about to pull away but then stopped himself. He didn’t want to leave. “Hey... Stay like this as long as you need to. It’s my job to be a emotional support gator.” I joked with him, hoping he’d laugh. And he did. I got a little giggle out off him as he adjusted himself to hold me. I glanced around to make sure no one saw us and then went back to petting my little fox. God I wish I could tell you how much I love you. If only I wasnt such a dumbass gator. It’s my fault your like this and it’s my fault your upset. I’m so sorry... I took a deep breath and continuing to pet my fox. We stayed like that all lunch. I took care of him. Held him close. I never wanted to lose him. I never wanted him to be this upset ever again. Because of me or anyone else. Then of course, mood kill, the bell rang. Fritz released quickly and quickly scooted slightly back in fear of people seeing us. I understand why. He released me and I released him too. Moving our hands down to each others. Or, I did atleast. “S-S-Sorry. I um... I just...” “Needed a hug.” I finished his sentence for him. He nodded slowly. He still had some tears on his face so I carefully let go of his hands and moved my hands up to wipe his cheeks. I did so and cupped both of his cheeks in the process, whipping away his tears. After I finished I looked into his eyes. “There you go. Happy as ever.” I said then letting go and hearing his sweet little giggle. He stopped for a moment before saying something. “Thank you Jessie. I um... I really needed this. And I didn’t wanna cry to my aunt again.” He told me. “Its no problem. I know your really emotional and I don’t want you to feel alone through this. No matter how fucked it was of me to not be there for you. I just want you to know that everything will be fine. I promise.” I told him. He just slowly nodded and said, “Ok. I trust you.” That made me smile. We both stood up from the bench and waited a moment until all of the other people around us started to clear out. “Hey. Call me or text me if you need anything. I’m always open to help you. Ok?” I told him. “Ok.” He replied. “Ok. Cool. I’ll um... See you at class.” I said before slowly getting ready to walk away. “Thank you again, Jessie.” He thanked me before giving me a little smile and walking his direction. We split off and I just thought to myself. I want my baby fox to feel safe. I don’t want him to feel scared anymore. His past life is behind us now and I want him to be his happy self again. He told me he used to be happy and I’m going to help him feel that way again. No matter what it takes me. Even if it’s an arm and a leg I have to give away.

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