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I woke up to my friend Decoda in my face. "Ahhhhhh! ajar fue hecho!?" I yelled, jumping off my bed. "sorry" she said, patting my shoulder. "you gotta warm me before ya do that" I mumbled, wiping the beads of sweat off my face.

She picked up the picture that I took last night of that werid turtle creature. "Akashi, I know you like to cosplay but come on a turtle?!?" Decoda gave a laugh. I raised an eyebrow. "eh? That's not me that's some thing I found when I went in to that old house on 14th street." I explained, snatching the picture from her.

We heard a light bang on my window and there stood that thing from last night. He smiled and waved and mouthed "open the window" I just looked at the creature. It had a purple mask,taller,darker and had this gap between his two front teeth. A blue, orange, and red popped in the window and all smiled. except the red one, he gave me an evil stare.

I didn't want to let him in. Suddenly,April burst through my bedroom door. She was out of breath and huffed every word that came out her mouth. "you huff can let huff them in" she said,as puff of air came out. I moved slowly to the window and just stared.

What are these things?!

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