Chapter Seven

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Camila Flores

After last night, all I really wanted to do was sleep.

And well that's pretty much all you can do when you've been kidnapped and put in a basement.

I woke up to the phone ringing.

Robin never answers it so it's really up to me if I want to or not.

I walked up to the phone and put the receiver up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

It was silent. There was a white noise but no one said anything.

"Hello?" I asked again, already annoyed, I just wanted to sleep the rest of the day.

I sighed madly.

"Hello?" I said dragging out the 'o'.

"You don't have much time." A boy suddenly said from the other line.


I looked at Robin who was in the spot he was when I woke up.

"What?" I asked.

"The grabber hasn't been sleeping."

He started laughing for some reason.

I ignored it thought and tried to think of who the boy was from his voice.

It was pretty high pitched, sounded like he wasn't able to hit puberty before the grabber got him.

"Wait a minute. Are you Griffin?" I asked the boy.


"Griffin Stagg?"


Why does no one remember their names?

"It's all a little hazy. But, I imagine you knew all our names."

"Every kid does." I told him.

I knew every single missing kid that had called so far.

"I don't think I knew you." I said, not sure of myself.

"Nobody did. You spend so many years invisible, and then every kid in the state knows your name."

Damn. Tough.

"You don't have much time." He repeated.

"Why hasn't he killed us yet?" I asked Griffin.

He should have had his fun the first day and then killed us the next. Would've spent less time suffering.

"You won't play the game. You have to play the game. If you don't play the game, he can't win"

This guy has games now?

"What game does he wants us to play." I asked, in a fake intimated voice.

"Naught Boy. All though in your case it's 'Naughty Girl'." He finally said.

The way he said that made me cringe. In disgust.

"If you don't play naughty boy, the grabber can't beat you. And if he can't beat you, he can't move on to the next part. And the next part of naughty boy is his favorite part." He finished.

What the actual fuck.

I was disturbed. I had an idea of what his favorite part was.

I grimaced in disgust, quietly.

"Well aren't you gonna tell me what the next part is?" I asked kinda loud, causing Robin to move slightly in his sleep.

He started laughing again.

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