Chapter Eight

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Camila Flores

I waited for hours in the basement, for Robin to finally wake up.

I was sat on the edge of the bed with my knees to my chest.

I was just staring at the wall, thinking about what I would be doing if I weren't in my situation.

I heard Robin move on the bed.

I turned my head to look at him

He slightly grimaced in pain and wiped the blood off from under his nostril with his hand.

"Mierda." he said quietly under his breath.

I sighed and looked straight back ahead, not having decided if I should 'help' him with his nose or let him deal with it.

I wanted to be nice today.

I scooted over to where he was sitting.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

Which obviously it did.

He gave me a ' are you kidding me look'.

"No it doesn't." He said annoyed but sarcastic.

I put my arms up in defense.

"Just trying to help." I said with a blank expression on my face.

His face softened, he saw that I was tired and drained.

"Yes it hurts but I'll be fine." He told me.

I gave him a weak smile and looked back at the wall in front of me.

What felt like 30 seconds later, the phone rang, ruining my relaxing moment.

I looked at Robin, annoyed and rolled my eyes but got up anyway.

I picked up the phone and sat down on the bed next to Robin.

"What?" Are you gonna say something? Do you even know who you are?" I asked the other line, mad and annoyed.

"What the shit kinda of question is that? Do you even know who you are?" The voice said.

I was taken aback by this.

This has got to be Vance. If it isn't him, i don't know who it is.

"Yeah I'm- I'm- Camila Flores."

"Yeah well it's nice to fucking meet you Camila Flores."

This guy used to scare me, yet every girl had a crush on him. Including me, for a little while.

"Right here this is it."

"This is what?" I had no idea what he was taking about.

"The horrifying nightmare end of your pathetic little life." He answered.

"I remember you. Vance hopper. I had a crush on you, but you used to scare me." I told him.

"Trust me Camila Flores, if you knew what you had coming you'd be fucking terrified. Todays the day motherfucker!" He yelled.

Todays the day? That scared me shitless.

"Have you tried stacking the garbage to reach the window?"

"We've tried everything."

"Not everything. When the grabber saw what I had done that was it, and he took his time with me too."

"Well what did you do?"

"Oh the fucker had to spend a fortune to repair all the damages."

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