Ch.3-On the case

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In Chief Bogo's office, he was really giving both Judy and The Bad Guys an earful.

Bogo:Abandoning your post, inciting a scurry, reckless endangerment of rodents but - to be fair - you did stop a master criminal from stealing two-dozen moldy onions.

Judy:Mmm, hate to disagree with you, sir, but those aren't onions. Those are a crocus variety called Midnicampum holicithius. They're a Class С botanical, sir. Well, I grew up in a family where plant husbandry was kind of a thing--

Wolf pinched the bridge of his nose.

Wolf:You're not exactly helping your case, fluffbutt.

Bogo:Shut your tiny mouth now

He put the bag away.

Judy Hopps:Sir, we got the bad guy. That's my job! And their job, too!

Chief Bogo:Your job is putting tickets on parked cars!

He then turned to The Bad Guys.

Bogo:And you lot have no business here!

Then another cop, Clawhauser, came on the intercom.

Clawhauser:Chief, uh, Mrs. Otterton's here to see you again.

Bogo:Not now.

Clawhauser:Okay, I just didn't know if you wanted to take it this time, she seems really upset...

Bogo:NOT! NOW!

Diane:Someone's got anger problems.

Judy:Sir, I don't wanna be a meter maid. I wanna be a real cop.

Shark:And helping people is what WE do.

Bogo:(To Judy)Do you think the Mayor asked what I wanted when he assigned you to me?!

Judy: But, sir, if-

Bogo:Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true! So let. It. Go.

Later, the aforementioned Mrs.Otterton came in, with Clawhauser behind her.

Otterton came in, with Clawhauser behind her

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Mrs.Otterton:Chief Bogo, please! Five minutes of your time, please!

Clawhauser:I'm sorry, sir... I tried to stop her, she's super slippery... I gotta go sit down...

Julie:I did not think I'd see a slow cheetah in my life, but here we are...

Bogo:Ma'am, as I've told you, we're doing everything we can.

Mrs. Otterton held up a picture of her husband.

Mrs. Otterton:My husband has been missing for ten days. His name is Emmitt Otterton.

Bogo:Yes, I know.

Mrs. Otterton:He's a florist. We have two beautiful children. He would never just disappear.

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