Part 11

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If Ryder did anything to draw attention to himself and Chase, the creature would find them. Using that logic, Ryder figured the best course of action was to avoid confrontation with the creature and hide in the current room they were in. After all, if it didn't know they were in here, the creature likely would not find them, right?

"Okay... Chase," Ryder whispered to Chase, "I don't think it knows we're in here, so if we hide, we shouldn't be found."

"Are you sure, Ryder? If it finds us here, we will be completely defenseless."

"We already are, Chase. In your condition, you can barely even stand," Ryder argued, glancing back outside to see where the hound was. Fortunately for them, it was still distracted by exploring the store. Sighing to himself, he turned back to Chase.

"I'm going to have to carry you... I know you're in pain, but don't make a sound."

Chase knew that Ryder was right, but he was dreading having to move his body. As time went on, the aching got worse, especially when moving, so Ryder picking him up would be torture for the shepherd. Still, he had no choice, so he nodded to Ryder, signaling he accepted that fact.

Being cautious, Ryder slowly slid his hands under Chase. Chase gritted his teeth, feeling the sharp, burning pain increase as Ryder moved his legs, but he toughed through it. Eventually, Ryder had Chase in his arms and was able to carry him somewhere else.

That was another problem, however. Although there was a lot of stuff in the room, there really wasn't a hiding spot per se. The only thing that was close to one was a big box they could hide behind. Having to make the gamble, Ryder slowly shuffled behind the box, trying to not make a sound and alert the creature they were there.

Once behind the box, Ryder tried to hold his breath when he heard the footsteps of the creature getting closer. Soon, Ryder knew it was in the room. It seemed to be sniffing around... hopefully it wouldn't notice their scent.

The creature was getting closer, however. He could hear its sharp, scattered, and deep breathing, along with its heavy footsteps. Slowly, it was getting closer to the two... until it reached the box.

Ryder prayed for the creature to go away... but it didn't. It began to sniff the box at the front, then approached to the side... until it was behind the box.

Glancing to his side, Ryder saw the creature staring directly at him, snarling and showing his sharp, maroon-stained teeth. And its glowing, red eyes led into oblivion when you stared at them.

Ryder was frozen in fear.

It didn't take long for the creature to pounce. Jumping on top of the boy with an unimaginable amount of strength, Ryder was slammed into the ground, with Chase sliding out of Ryder's arm to the side. Chase, not being to do anything, could only watch as the creature in front of him tore his owner to shreds he could only cry out in pain.

Blood flew everywhere, flesh went flying, and Ryder's screams were covered by the sound of choking and silence.

It was all so fast. Chase hardly had any time to process it. One moment, Ryder was alive, the next, he was a pile of flesh, blood, and bones. Even if Ryder was somehow still alive, it was clear he would not survive another minute.

And then, after the creature was finished with Ryder, it turned to Chase.

The German Shepherd could only lay there and watch as the creature slowly stepped towards him, blood drooling from its mouth. As Chase stared at his killer slowly approaching him, he noticed the shotgun wound on its head earlier was gone, replaced with a fresh coat of fur, as if nothing happened.

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