chapter one

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I can't let him go...

not this time...

not like this.

The lights flash red beating the same beat as the alarms.

The doors are about to shut, I try to reach the exit but everything around me is making my head pound.

I can see his blurry figure in the near distance.

It's so hard to think, it's so hard to move.

The gravity has increased, and every dragged step I take only keeps me back from saving his life.

"Keith you," I take a deep breath trying to control my words "can't do this..."

He didn't even turn to look at me, instead he let go. I could see him almost drifting away from me. My hand reached out to grab his. Space was going so fast, it felt like a big blur.

Our hands met and I gripped on to him like he was my everything, as if he were everything I've ever had. He was struggling, trying to make me let go of him.

All around him was open space,there were stars everywhere with no end, no corners, no stop to it.

I gathered back my strength pulling him back to me like a magnet.

Our legs in a knot stumbling back onto ship. My head snapped to my side to find the button for the doors, and as soon as I spotted it I slammed it with my fist, I could feel the button push back and I suddenly felt relieved. The pull towards the exit stopped and I could finally move freely.

My attention quickly changed to Keith.

"What were you even thinking?" the words came out of my mouth without thought. I knew what he was thinking; I didn't really need an answer.

Our bodies were so close I tried to grab onto him as tightly as I could, holding him the same way I was when he was drifting away from me. I didn't pull away from him.

The silence was discomforting, he hasn't said a word to me.

I feel him move away.

"The black lion would have saved me anyway." he said, breaking the silence.

I frowned and pushed his shoulders away just enough for me to see his face.

"That doesn't make your decision any better" I mutter. I let my head fall on his shoulder, causing me to stare at the floor while I speak

"I know things have been—"

"I don't really want to talk about it." Keith cuts me off.

I could see the water forming in his eyes, and i didnt want to see them spill out.

Lifting my hands off his shoulders I move them to his face, holding him in my palms.

Keith rests his head into my hands and tear drops start to escape his eyes, they fall down his face into my hands. And I could hear the pain in his cry, the type of cry that hurts deep in your stomach. We start to follow a pattern of him crying and me wiping his tears. Our foreheads pressing against each other...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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