First Emilia, how I learned was the goddess called, showed the students from the economy program their area, then lead us to a room full of expensive looking instruments. She explained everything about the MEP, the 'Musical Exellence Program' while I looked around the room:
In one corner was a big sitting lounge with a lot of comfy looking pillows. On the wall were all different kinds of instruments and posters, microphones were standing everywhere and next to a keyboard was the best part of the room:
A pretty new looking drumset. As I walked around it I let my hand linger enjoying the feeling of the new cold metal.
That was the first time emilia spoke directly at me "If you brake it, you pay it"
I grinned and raised my arms in played defeat.
"Ya'll can quit looking forward to everything cause I promise you, that like every year more than half of you will be driving home crying after less that a month here"
I had to suppress a laugh as I saw that she actually scared religious girl who was standing next to a big piano with that.
On our way to the next room Emilia threw some shade on the One hit wonder Jana Cohen Gandía before pushing open a big door.
On the other side was a big concert hall, with a impressive stage. A few meters in our beautiful guide turned around and began explaining some things again. I didn't really catch most of it because I was busy staring and checking her out for the hundredth time while leaning on the raling that parted the audienceand the way through the room. She probably noticed it cause I couldn't help but notice a slight tint of pink appearing on her cheeks.
"... so you should look at that stage closely, it's where your dreams come true" Emilia explained "or are destroyed in one second" she continued and wanted to lean against the raling with her hand but well- I was already leaning there... this lead to our hands touching for a couple of seconds before she flashed me an unborthered grin that I somehow managed to conter with an amused one even though my heart was fluttering.
Oh my goooooddddd why are her hands so soooffftttt?!? I really need to learn to control my heart around her.
After the tour we stood in a hallway as a loud voice began yelling "SILENT" all of us turned around quickly and were met with a tall masculine and strikt looking woman.
"You two" the woman yelled in the direction of Sebas and Jana, the schools favourite couple who were taking photos of them making out for their Instagram "break it up, you can smell the hormones back in the principals room" the turned back to us again so you will be in rooms of 3 persons each. And you CANNOT change your roommates. Curfew is at 9pm and we WILL be making sure that EVERYONE is following that rule. And belive me I have a limit and you do NOT wanna cross it! The school uniforms will be in the closets..."
Wow, that was a hell of a speech but I drifted away with my thoughts to a certain girl...
After receiving my room number, schedule and other information things at the secretary I made my way to room 206. Finally having managed to find my way to the dorm trackt I counted my way up to 206.
Surprisingly it was still empty as I opened the door. Looking around the room I took in everything...
In front of me the room was parted in for sections: the upper two and the bottom left one were 'little' spaces that were mostly used up with a bed and a little nightstand. The bottom right one was the space for three big closets and a mirror on the side while there was more space for clothes and other stuff in a big shelf and a stylish coat hanger on the left wall of the room. Going to the middle of the room around the round table and plopping down on the black couch on the right wall i saw a second door next to the entrance leading to the bathroom.
Wow not bad I thought, I could live here for some time... hopefully my roommates aren't too bad. Since no one was here yet I decided to start putting my things in one of the closets. Five minutes in I heard a knock on the doorframe: the church girl stood in the entrance holding a sheet of paper that read 206. GREAT! The religious girl. I forced myself to not roll my eyes and give it a shot
"Hi I'm is Andi, and you are?"
"Maria Jose but MJ is fine"
"You talked English before with you mother, do you almost only speak English?"
"Well no not exactly, my parents are Spanish but I was born and raised in California"
"Cool, cool"
The topic died down and after a couple of seconds we just did our own tasks. While MJ disappeared into the bathroom I thought about who our thrid roommate could be MJ wasn't as bad as I thought she made a nice impression. Nowi just hoped the last one wouldn't be-
"JANA COHEN GANDÍA, I'm your biggest Fan... EVER. Like your biggest Fan ever."
I chuckled even though I was more that disappointed that I had to share a room with the 'Superstar' MJs overly excited jumps just were too funny.
Mabey it's not gonna be THAT bad...
"Okay guys were do you wanna sleep? I'll take what's left." Jana stated pointing at the 3 sleeping spaces, MJ skipped to the upper right one immediately and I chose the upper left one since I wanted to have a little bit of privacy up there and not be opened up to the whole room.
The pop singer accepted that with a smile and put her 3 rose golden luggages on the bottom bed...

Rebelde (Andi+Emilia) rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now