13. I don't like you

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Everything was ready - the deco, the cake and the birthday man. 

It was chaos inside the house, what with everyone trying to talk on top of everyone else, but somehow the tension between two of the people didn't go unnoticed by everyone. 

The two people being Jeongguk and his bully. 

Well, Jeongguk did try to initiate small talk with his bully, but the said bully refused to even acknowledge his presence. Not just his, but also the presence of Jeongyeon and Yoongi. 

The three of them had a good laugh about it behind smug grins and sneaky glances but tried to act like it didn't matter much. 

There were three more people to arrive. The three being Yoongi's friend, Jeongyeon's boyfriend and Jeongguk's crush. 

Jeongguk supposed the three of them would come together. He didn't get to think much about it, however, because he was soon swept off by his uncle, who tried to interrogate him about his dreams for the future. 

Somewhere amidst his efforts to get away from the conversation, he noticed that his cousin and Mr Kim were kissing in the middle of the living room without caring about all the people around. And they were so engrossed in it that neither of them heard the doorbell. 

Seeing his chance to escape, Jeongguk excused himself and ran to the door, throwing it open with a shy smile and red ears. He knew who was behind the door, after all. There was no one else left to come other than the three seniors that became a huge part of his and his friends' lives. 

"Hi, Taehyung sunbae," he greeted bashfully and opened the door wider, thrusting his free hand in his back pocket awkwardly, "come on in," he said. 

Taehyung gave him a grin and walked in majestically, leaving the rest to scowl when Jeongguk straight-up ignored them and followed Taehyung like a lost puppy. 

"Forget him, oppa, he's a gone case when it comes to Taehyung oppa," Jeongyeon offered as an explanation, making Jimin and Hoseok chuckle. "Did the party start already?" Hoseok asked as he got in, only to freeze along with Jimin, just like Taehyung had a few steps ahead of them. 

"Is-....is that Mr Kim?!" Jimin exclaimed, his voice loud enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear. 

Everyone flinched, but not as much as the kissing couple. Especially Mr Kim, who stared at the three newcomers with his eyeballs bulging out of his eyes, ready to fall out and roll down the lane. 

After a few dramatic seconds of staring, the man scrambled to grab his jacket which was draped over the couch. 

Before anyone could say anything, he tried to leave the house, but Seokjin ran behind him, looking as confused as everyone else. "Joon!! Joonie, what the hell, stop for a second!!" he exclaimed as he ran, catching up to the man outside the house. 

No one knew what they talked about, but soon, Seokjin returned with Mr Kim, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here. The six students empathised with him a little. It was probably extremely embarrassing for him to have to let his own students know about his personal life. 

Other than that, the party went well. Jeongguk made sure Taehyung didn't feel any discomfort, following him everywhere to make sure he got everything he wanted (and to also make sure his uncle didn't grab the boy to have a discussion about his future plans). 

Taehyung didn't complain about the attention that Jeongguk was giving him. It was cute for him. A little too cute. 

After a while, when the hype died down, they found themselves sitting on the couch with a coke bottle each, neither of them knowing what to say. 

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