Daddy said, "you gotta show the world the thunder!"

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(a/n): oops accidentally disappeared for a few months, anyway heres something set in the far future that still relates to purecacao. also hopefully there will be a part two to this chapter released soon lol. anyway i'll see you guys in the next few months. also just adding that ruby choco is an oc i just randomly came up with for this book so therefore she is not canon to any forms of cookie run lore. 

"Come Ruby Choco, we don't have far to travel," said the omega, his determined sapphire eyes looking towards the young soldier.

Ruby Choco put her large cake monster hand above her eyes, protecting herself from the harsh snow. The duo having no other form of travel other than their feet. The soldier just hopped her uncle knew what he was doing, she had no idea what was beyond these pillars of thick snow.

They needed help... and Custard knew the person just to contact, but with the lack of messengers and paper, they had to contact them in person. Their lands were attacked by a dark force similar to when white lily was known as dark enchantress, it took so many lives and Custard and Ruby Choco barely escaped. The girl wasn't even classified as a soldier but Custard knew just by her fierce eyes that she was definitely both her mothers and fathers daughter.

"Uncle Custard, what are we even doing, there's no chance of finding help here!" complained the soldier.

"Patience young one, the king of the Dark Cacao kingdom will surely help us, no doubt about it," responded Custard.

"But we have been walking for so long and I'm freezing half to death!"

Custard only smiled at his niece, for someone who presented as an alpha over a year ago, she did still act like a small demanding pup. At least she isn't being forced to grow up. Ruby Choco's hair was starting to develop a new layer of frost over it, her raven locks with streaks of white were tainted by the snow storm, forming an icy crown over it.

Her whole outfit consisting of a red jacket with a fluffy collar, brown pants and calf high black boots were now also covered in an overlay of snow. The jacket was handed down to her from her father before he disappeared

"We are nearly there, i don't understand why you are complaining, i've been through tougher conditions when i was just a young boy," joked Custard

The female alpha did not find the joke funny at all, her heterochromic eyes sneering at the omega. Custard didn't mind though, he knew the alpha had no guts to attack him, he was the only family member she had left.... Not counting her grandfather who she had never met before.

"Were here,"

Nothing had changed about the Dark Cacao kingdom, Dark Cacao was still ruling, being still partially immortal due to the soul jam. Custard was slightly scared about meeting his father... considering he was wearing his mothers soul jam, even with the exact same royal vanilla robes.

Though to Ruby Choco, it just looked like a fortress of isolation, it oddly reminded her of her mother before she disappeared. Everything about this place took away all the joy in her heart.

The two walked into the gates, the guards letting them without any form of clearance, Ruby Choco glared at everyone, all eyes were on her monster cake arm. Not her fault she inherited it from her father.

Chills ran through Ruby Choco as they travelled down the dark hallways, led by two guards dressed in purple robes and black armour. The throne room was quite big and sitting on the throne was a large alpha with piercing boysenberry eyes. There was no denying that he took a strange look at Ruby Choco, today wasn't her day.

"Your highness, introducing king Custard of the vanilla kingdom and... his guest!" announced one of the king's subjects.

Ruby Choco watched as her uncle stepped forward towards the king, slightly freighted by the Dark Cacao king himself.

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