Mistress Centipede!

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Lady Kaede and the three of us run outside of the hut and to the centipede demon. the villagers tried to defeat the centipede, but failed. once the centipede demon saw our new comraded, kogome. It started chasing her! kogome run with me Ishla by her side .

(Ishla)"I thought we were suppose to be on our vacation!"

(you)"We are! But somehow we keep attracting danger!"

I saw that we were heading towards the seal forest and started running faster. But I couldn't get my mind off of what the centipede demon said earlier. Something about a scared jewel? I'll ask kogome about it later. Right now WE NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THIS OVER SIZED CENTIPEDE!!!!


Right now we're tied to a tree with an awake dog boy after the bug ripe a jewel out of kogome! did she know that was there?!?!? I'm so confused.@-@. Right now I'm really close to the dog boy .I think I'm the closes one to him... i can see now why Ishla and kogome wanted to touch his ears. I kinda want to touch his ears now to. but I'm not going to because it's rude.

(dog boy)" hey, can you pull that arrow out"


(dog boy)"yes you"

(you ) " okay?"

(Kaede)" don't child! Once the arrow is removed, then inuyasha will be free to destroy us all!

Inuyasha" Don't be stupid, you old hag! At least with me, you've got a chance! Where as thing is gonna eat you!


inuyasha "and what about you guys? Are you ready to die yet?

you 'fuck it! it better then show my powers!'

you go to reach to grab the arrow. You grab the arrow and destroy it. inuyasha started to glow

*enter epic battle music*

you and Ishla' what the fuck? WHERE THE MUSIC COMING FROM!?!'


you and Ishla 'uh finnne'

after he stopped glowing he started pursing

kogome" um,uh inuyasha"


after the demon completely rap it body around us. a golden light started glowing.

inuyasha" raah"

he chopped up the demon and we fall done. Of cause I when to shield Ishla and kogome from the fall so they don't get hurt to badly.

the three of you" AAH!UH!UH!"

inuyasha does a sonic spin.

kogome" huh?"

demon " wicked child"

inuyasha"NASTY HAG!"

then he kills it. you and kogome saw something glows inside one of it's body part. you two go over to the body part and you prosed to take the thing out.

you"what? wasn't this in your body kogome?

kogome " ya. it was. but how did it get there?"

lady Kaeda" only ye may possess the scared jewel..."

kogome" but how did it get inside my body? Why would i have a jewel wanted by demons?

you "I wou-'


inuyasha "exactly. humans can't use it. So why bother to keep it? If you hand over the jewel over right now. i won't have to started sharpening my claws on you."

kogome "what?" 'you mean he's not the hero?'

you ' she really is foolish, it a jewel wanted by demons. he's clearly a demon. whatever, its not my problem and hopely it stays that way.'

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