scared jewel? What that?

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The villagers were rebuilding their house or huts. while lady Kaede, Kagome, ishla, and Y/N were in Kaede's hut.

keade" there how's that? Perhaps I'll put more ungent on your belly."

you' That's right. i was so busy keeping ishla safe that i almost forgot about kogome.'

Ishla" are you alright Kogome?'ishla said in a worry tone.

you" sorry i wasn't able to protect you better kogome..."

kogome" oh! it's alright Y/N! And ya! i'm alright!

ishla" that's good"

Y/N" yes it is. I would hate for one of my companies to be in pain."

Y/N" the way lady keade.i noticed that your rebuilding the house wrecked by mistress centipede. I can help if you want."

Ishla" ya. it most be a real pain to deal with."

Kogome" i agree with ishla."

keade" pain? yes and just the beginning. Now that the sacred shikon no tama is back among us,far worse than mistress centipede will come to claim it."

kogome"worse than yesterday?"

You"by the way I have a question."

keade"what is it child?

you "what is the shikon no tama?"


everyone in the hut was looking at y/n. bewild in how they didn't know what it was. After Kaede explaining what the jewel was. they went back it the original topic.

you" so how did it get inside your body kogome?"

kogome" i-i don't know. do you know keade?"

keade " i'm afraid not child."

You" also why is he still here."

Ishla' ya. why are you still here dog boi?"

inuyasha" WHO YOU CALLING DOG BOI?!?!Also im here for the jewel."

keade" with the beads around his neck, his threat is diminished. it is perhaps the only way we can allow him to be so close to the jewel."

ishla" why do you want the jewel anyways?"

You" ya you seem pretty strong already. Or is it that you want to become a whole breed like you brother?"

inuyasha" why are you talking to me like you know me?! also how do you know im a half?! And how do you know about my brother?!"

you" will you shut up? your being too loud."

you' hmm so kogome is a recantation of the kikyo and now she has to protect the sacred jewel. Well im beat so after i help out with rebuilding the village, maybe even upgrade it a little bit ill take a nap.'


You' woah he was still yelling?

you" ya. but you don't need to know how i know what i know."

inuyasha "tch"" whatever"

inuyasha then leaves. after he does, i started getting up and stretching so you can help the villagers. Ishla and Kagome were still talking to Kaede but soon everyone started doing their own thing. ishla helped with the crops while the Villigers were handing Kagome free stuff. You were busy restoring everything. you couldn't use your powers because the Villigers would see so you did it the old fashion way. you even improved the village by a lot to. so, you also got free things as well. ishla did too. Just not as much as you. You think that you might have gotten a lot more stuff than Kagome. after putting the finishing touches, you go find a place to nap.

you' this tree looks nice. I'll just sleep in this.'

you on to one of the trees Braches and go to sleep. it was a very large tree, but little did you know or just didn't care. there was someone watching you. inuasha then jumps down to the branch that you're sleeping on.

inuyasha' now that I think about it. they're really pretty/Hansom. You look so peaceful too. *blush*'

inuyasha starts to get tired after seeing you look so peaceful that he evenly falls asleep on you.

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