(This is going to probably be super inaccurate T-T I can't remember crap- Let's hope I get at least some things right. Well, of course everything won't be exactly the same since you know...the plot...I can't explain- ok ok I'll stop now XD)
The room that they had walked into was some kind of dining area. A long table that had burning candles placed on them, creating minimum lighting other than the lights above. "Who would put a random type writer in a dining room? That's a strange place to put it." Jill observed. "Well, seeing the creepy old paintings, chandlier, and weird sword statue things, I'm guessing that they're a bit old fashioned? Maybe they liked to type memories or something?" Joseph guessed, shrugging. Jill giggled softly, "I don't think this place is that old." "It definitely is." "Frost. Valentine. Focus on the objective." Wesker interrupted. "Yes, sir." The four left the dining room, now entering the long hall. There was a good amount of doors. Wesker walked ahead, gun raised in case anything attacked. The three behind did the same. "Joseph....Jill...There's something I need to tell you. I'll warn you that it'll...sound crazy." Chris whispered, immediately gathering their attention. "I...I've been here before." "What? When?" Jill asked, whispering back. "Well, it's complicated. Let's just say that...that I know what's going to happen." "What are you? Some kind of time traveler?" Joseph joked, not taking it seriously. Though that quickly changed due to Chris's expression. "Chris....you're joking, right?" He hoped that was the case, hoping that his friend wasn't going crazy already. "I wish that I was. Really. But I'm not." "Chris." Jill sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Guys, I'm being serious. Joseph, how do you think that I knew that you were going to be attacked?" "I thought that you were just more focused than me or maybe heard them before I did. Didn't you?" "No. I didn't. I'm telling you. I already knew about it. You got torn apart." "Jesus..." Joseph didn't know what to say. "Ok...if you've really....'been here before'....tell me something that you know. About here." "Um....In that dining room we were just in, there's this thing that's above the fireplace. A little shield can be removed from it. And um....around that corner, there's a zombie-" "Chris-" "There's a zombie. An infected person. Near that thing, there's a dead man who's leaned up against a chair. There's two chairs in that room, a lamp right between them. And near that, there's a little hall that leads to a door. In the opposite direction, from where we came from, there's an area where you can go downstairs. But please don't ever go down there. Upstairs, there's a hidden door that leads to a yard. In the other direction from where we are, there's a large statue of a woman. We need to get something from that. As of finding the others...Richard will be with Rebecca but he'll be poisoned by a snake. After that though, he's in some deep shit. I know that this will sound crazy but he'll be killed by a shark. He died saving me from it. Brad later on dies from a zombie bite. Captain Enrico....he dies...from Wesker." "Captain Wesker?" Jill asked in shock. "Yes....Wesker betrays us from where I am from." "And you're dating him now? What the fuck Chris?" Jill couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I just wanted to escape from everything. Hope that something would change. Which it did!" "Yeah, you saving me is something but this-" "No! Wesker came with us, Joseph. That never happened. He let me go check what was going on. Which is where the betrayal began. But he didn't." Chris quickly defended. "THat could be because you saved Joseph. Maybe that changed things or his plan." So JIll thought the same thing? "I just want all of this to stop already. I can't go through this again." The brunette mumbled, tears starting to form. All he wanted was for things to be peaceful. Just as it was before. "What if he really changed?" Joseph seemed to want the same thing. "You think so too?" Jil thought that this was insane. "Well I mean..." Joseph looked at Chris. "Did you guys date in your time?" "Noo. We didn't." "Then that's a change! Maybe he changed because of that." Joseph's theory could potentially be right. "Don't you think that's a far stretch? I mean, do you really think that he changed due to that and that he wasn't just using Chris? What if he already found out so he used your feelings as a distraction. Which worked out perfectly for him if that's the case." It was normal for Jill to be paranoid with the situation, finding it unbelievable. Or she was just being more so cautious. "The Wesker in my time or...world didn't really care about anyone but himself. You guys have said before that he worries about me. He's saved me a good amount of times. And he's shown...affection. You may be right about it all. tHat it could be all an act but what if it's not? There's only one way to find out. It may or may not go terribly wrong." The two gave Chris a look. "Chris, what are you-" "Christopher, Jill, Joseph. What are you doing?" Wesker didn't sound too happy. "Sorry, sir, but we were talking about the possibilities of where the others could be." Chris lied. It was honestly impressive how quickly he came up with that excuse. "Don't do that again. I told you to stick together. That includes staying with me." "Yes, sir." The three replied. Wesker started to walk ahead. Chris knew what was around the corner. As they got closer, they could hear strange noises. His two teammates looked at him, remembering what he had said earlier. The brunette stepped forward. "Captain, I can check it-" "No." Wesker interrupted firmly. Jill and Joseph shared a look. Once they rounded the corner, there it was. The zombie lifted it's head from the rotting body, slowly turning to face them. "What the fuck?" Everything was just as Chris had said. Zombie, dead guy, two chairs and a lamp that was place in between them. This was enough evidence for them. The zombie began to walk over to them, arms lazily raised. Wesker quickly shot at the creature, not giving it a chance to attack. The undead rose again, making another attempt to attack. "Aim for it's head." Chris stated without thinking. Wesker glanced over his shoulder before returning his attention to the zombie. With a shot or two to the head, the creature fell back, not getting up this time. The blonde turned around to the three before approaching Chris. He rubbed the other's cheek, wiping off the drops of blood that managed to splatter on him. "Alright. Let's go." The three were left shocked and speechless. If the man wanted to kill them, why was he caring for them? Was it all just a part of the act? It has to be that. And just the thought of knowing that, hurt even more. Thinking about Wesker made Chris remember something. Bravo team's leader, Captain Enrico. Wesker had killed him way before in his world. But in this one, it hasn't happened yet. The blonde has been with them this whole time. Which meant that other is still alive. Chris was going to make sure that it stays that way. The four continued forward, finding keys and solving puzzles. They solved the puzzles pretty quickly since Chris already knew what to do and what items some required. Of course he acted clueless at first so that Wesker wouldn't be suspicious. Joseph and Jill joined in on the act. Each time they came across a puzzle, they'd take a quick glance at the brunette. Finally, they reached one that would hopefully lead them to at least something or someone. Surprisingly though, Chris didn't know this one. He either didn't remember it or he never cam across this one. Due to this, the puzzle took a bit longer to solve. Wesker and Jill walked forward, causing something to trigger. The sound of scraping metal caught their attention. Large rusted bars slammed down, leaving Joseph and Chris on one side, Jill and Wesker on the other side. "Shit! That one must've been a trap." Joseph cursed. "It's ok. Stay calm. Captain Wesker and I will make our way around." Jill looked a bit frightened as she spoke, especially after seeing the expression on Chris's face. "Stay safe. We'll meet up with you." Wesker nodded at Joseph then looked over at Chris. He stared for a few seconds before walking away. Jill hesitated, taking a deep breath then followed behind the blonde leader.
(You guys ready for what's to come? >:D I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading ^^ Let me know what you think!)
Changing The Past
RomanceThis story is a Wesker x Chris. ⚠️⚠️There will be NSFW (smut) in future chapters!⚠️⚠️ Also, there will be SPOILERS!!! So if you plan on playing the RE games and would rather not see spoilers, I'd highly suggest you dont read this! But this story is...