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Marie couldn't help but roll her eyes at the girls who were eyeing her up as she walked through the hallway of college.

Her past shoulder length curls bouncing as she walked, she was what you would call eye candy. She was slim with a body of a grown woman, her curves were something most would get hypnotised by.

Her face was beautiful, she had dark coloured eyes which stood out against her raw dark skin which resembled chocolate.

She would often hear "what are you mixed with?" due to her loose hair pattern but she was Jamaican that's all.

Many would envy her looks and her body, many would use her for it. Many didn't even treat her like a proper decent human being because how they perceived her.

"She thinks she's too good" or "don't think your all that" she would commonly hear by men and women.

She kissed her teeth as she walked down the hallway, remembering that she had to pick her little brother up from football practice later on.

She hated going to that school everyday but most of all she hated this college, she hated this area. She hated everybody here.

The only place she really loved to be was at home but she needed to succeed, she needed grades, she planned to be a nurse one day earning big racks so she could leave the slumps of Peckham.

She walked through reception making her way outside where she could see friendships groups laughing and conversing with each other, her eyes locked with the group of black boys near the car park with their speaker blasting drill music and smoking weed outside college.

She thought to herself how they got away with acting the way they did but then again the teachers were too afraid they would get stabbed up by one of these college boys.

They were so typical with the way they were, they all dressed similar and looked similar too. Tracksuits, airforces, plaits, twists, smoking weed, rapping, causing havoc on the main roads and just obnoxiously loud for no reason.

She knew most of these boys here. In fact half of the boys here she had done things with since most of these boys were from her secondary school.

Marie had a poor reputation back in secondary school for being a sket, a well known jezzie.

It was something she regretted but couldn't come back from. Her past haunted her.

Her mum came from Jamaica bringing her to the UK  back in year ten and she had to start all over again. Trying to fit in with the culture and the people, trying to get the attention of boys to make up for her emptiness that she felt inside. She missed Jamaica.

She let so many people use and abuse her, treat her anyhow because of her low self esteem and lack of understanding. She had a poor relationship with her her dad and when he was  was around back in Jamaica he would go on and on about how women were whores and that they were only good for one thing, and how her mum had her at 15 and she was a skettel, well I guess Marie lived up to that definition now walking in her mother's footsteps.

Now that she was seventeen she could understand things so much more clearly, she couldn't go back in the past. She couldn't change it. She would simply have to accept her past and move on from it yet everyone else would constantly remind her.

If she was complimented on her looks it would be followed by "but she's a jezzie though" or if someone said she was a nice girl it would have to be "Yeah but I heard she fucked that yute from east". She couldn't get away from this.

She accepted who she was.

Marie walking by herself with her earphones in found herself rolling her eyes at the boy who was now approaching her, hand stuffed in his jacket pocket as he smirked.

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