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After going through with the abortion Marie had stopped coming to college, days turned into weeks and weeks into months as she fell into a deep depression.

She had finally blocked Shakiel, moving on with her life and was more focused on working more than gong to college. It wasn't that she didn't want to go to college but it was the fact that she didn't want to see Shakiel's face anymore.

She didn't want to see him at all.

Not once did this boy think to check on her or even call her phone, not even once. He didn't care at all about her so she had no choice but to move on from him and learn from this experience.

She had now clocked out of work and was making her way to pick Jiovanni up from football practice as usual.

Ignoring her phone buzzing off in her pocket, it was private caller which she kind of figure it was Shakiel but couldn't understand why out of all the time she's been ghosting him he finally decided to call her today.

She ignored the phone calls and jumped on the bus making her way down to Jiovanni's school. She was so tired and couldn't wait to just pick him up today and go home.

Today had dragged out at work and sometimes she wanted to leave her job but she knew she couldn't. She needed the financial support that her small pay check could bring in.

It wasn't much of a long bus ride as she stood up, pressing the bell and jumping off the bus.

She made her way to Jiovanni's school, today she was running a bit late due to work but the teachers normally were okay with that.

She approached the gates of the primary school seeing the teachers dismissing the children, she stood there waited for Jiovanni to come out.

5 minutes turned into 15 minutes and still no sign of Jiovanni.

"Mrs Clark whys Jio taking so long?" She asked in confusion as the teacher looked at her with an odd facial expression.

"Oh Marie, Jio was dismissed from school around 30 minutes ago. There was already someone waiting at the gate for him saying that they were picking up Jiovanni today and we just-"

"You let him go?" She shouted causing a scene. "You let my little brother go with a stranger!" She yelled as her heart began beating quickly.

"The boy that picked him up said he was a friend of your's and we assumed he was because we saw you both come to pick Jiovanni up a fee months ago" the teacher said but Marie was already walking away as she paced back and forth.

Where was Jiovanni?

Her heart was beginning to hurt. What the fuck was going on right now, this almost felt like a dream.

She didn't know what to even do but cry. That's all she was really good at, crying.

Her phone began vibrating in her pocket and she didn't even have the strength to look, she just wanted her brother back.

She took the phone out, private caller.

She answered it.

"Shakiel told me to tell you that were parked down the road, he said that you told him to pick me up today so-"

"Jiovanni where are you?" She became frustrated sobbing even more.

"Near the park" he spoke making her cut the phone as she began walking down the road filled with anger.

Why would he even do that? Why? Why would Shakiel be so fucked up to scare her like that. This boy was a psycho.

Whilst Marie was too busy on her search to find Shakiel's car, him and Jiovanni were sitting in the car having small conversation.

"What did she say?" He asked as Jiovanni handed the phone back to him. "She is coming, she sounds upset though" Jiovanni said with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah your sister is always upset for no reason" Shakiel shrugged making Jiovanni sit back in the front seat of the car and look around.

"Are you and my sister best friends then?" He asked making Shakiel look at him.

"Nah Im her boyfriend, so whenever you see me come pick you up you tell them I'm your sisters boyfriend okay?" He said making Jio laugh.

"Eww so you guys kiss? That's nasty man" Jiovanni cooed making Shakiel laugh. "Lowe it little man, one day you're gonna be kissing all the gyal" he chuckled.

"But listen, I want you to be my little messenger and since I'm your sister's boyfriend any time I see you I want you to tell me if she had brought any other boy to the house or spoken to another boy you hear me?" He spoke making Jio nod silently.

There was a eary silence as Jiovanni didn't know what to say next. He felt weird being around Shakiel without his older sister being here. It felt really odd as if he wasn't supposed to be here.

"You ever seen one of these before?" Shakiel broke the silence showing Jiovanni his gun that was resting in the glove box of his car.

Jio's eyes widened as he looked around to see if anyone was looking making Shakiel chuckle to himself. He had done the exact same thing the first time his dad showed him a gun.

"Shak is that?"

"Yea. It's yours" Shakiel smirked at him clearly lying just to see Jiovanni's reaction.

"Mine?" He became shaky as he played with his fingers.

"Hold it" he said as Jiovanni looked at him, he rubbed his sweaty palms against his school trousers and sat still. "I just told you to hold it, why you scared for" Shakiel's tone of voice became aggressive making Jiovanni pick the gun up and hold it.

"You're not a bitch Jio, you're a bad boy" he spoke.

"Mhmm Yeah, real gun man" Shakiel grinned proudly as Jiovanni's hands began to shake. "You see if anybody messes with you at school, you come to me. I'll blow off their head you hear me?" Shakiel warned making Jio nod his head.

"Look your sisters coming, put the gun back before she starts going crazy on me and make sure you don't tell her about this" Shakiel chuckled as he watched Marie quickly pacing towards the car, crying hysterically.

Jiovanni quickly placed the gun in the glove box and shut it.

"Jiovanni come out of the car" she yelled making him quickly open the door and jump out. "Why would you do that Shakiel" She bawled.

"Why would you do that?" She cried hysterically but Shakiel had a smug smile on his face. "You weren't picking up your phone innit thought you blocked me, thought Jiovanni was in trouble" he shrugged.

"Are you okay Jio" she cooed, bending down and kissing his forehead. He nodded as he locked eyes with Shakiel. He was still in shock holding a gun for the first time, his young mind was still trying to process it.

"Let me drop you lot home" he said making Marie grab Jiovanni's hand and walk off. He could see her scolding him as they made their way down the street.

He sat there in his car thinking about how Marie had blocked him like that. As much as he didn't want her he wanted her to want him in fact he wanted her to need him and the whole fact that she had blocked him made him realise he needed to work harder to get her locked in.

He was gonna do everything possible to boost his own ego even if that mean't to pretend he cared for her.

No girl had ever just blocked him and moved on, this was a battle he was gonna fight with her and she wouldn't even have a clue.


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