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Marie's Instagram account was now set up with the help of Stacey of course. She was nervous. She had decided that maybe this was going to be her success story and possibly the thing that would help get herself, her unborn child and her little brother out of the hood.

Marie was tired of the struggle life, she had gone through enough and Stacey had explained that doing stuff like this made quick and easy money.

It didn't involve Marie having to sleep with anyone & honestly there wasn't as much risk as Marie thought or that's what Stacey tried to convince her with anyway.

"So when am I gonna get started then?" Marie asked as she fiddled with a fingers nervously, she was actually extremely anxious knowing there was a possibility that this could actually be a way out for her.

Just a few pictures and videos and that's all, then Marie would stop, that's what she said.

"Oh gosh not anytime soon remember you're a still underage, you'll start when you're eighteen that will definitely bring in more money and men"

"I- i turn eighteen next month though" she stumbled on her words. "Then everything's great, better get ready" she grinned enthusiastically.

Marie was nervous that even her heart could have pounded out of her chest and these emotions from the pregnancy hormones wasn't making her feel any better.

She had now continued digging her fork into the bland tuna pasta that was in the bowl on the table in front of her internally gagging at the smell of the fish.  Her pregnancy cravings craved salads & greens so even the smell of meat or fish turned her off.

This whole pregnancy thing wasn't as worth it as Marie thought, her mental health had not only declined but her appetite was almost non existent & if anybody had looked at Marie they wouldn't even had been able to tell that she was pregnant. Her belly wasn't big at all & her body had barely changed due to the stress she had caused on herself.

"Oh & remember we're going to the clinic later so don't forget" Stacey reminded her & now Marie had looked up from her bowl at Stacey.

And of course it was Stacey that was forcing her to get checked up. Stacey honestly loved Marie & almost played this sisterly role in Marie's life & seeing her friend pregnant and barely developing almost scared her reminding her of the time where Stacey herself had nearly lost her daughter before she was even born. It was nerve wrecking & Stacey didn't want Marie to have to go through what she had gone through in the past.

"Oh...yeah" Marie's voice responded dryly.


The wind blew bitterly causing Jiovanni to grumble to himself as he held the cigarette to his lips inhaling the smoke into the back of his throat as is reminisced on those treasured moments he missed spending with his older sister & mostly Shakiel.

And if anyone would ask he would say it was today's shitty cold weathers that caused tears to build up in his little almond shaped eyes but truthfully Jiovanni knew he was hurt, he was hurt & broken.

Yeah his mum walking out on them was one thing since he barely even knew his mum like that because he was mostly brought up by Marie but his own sister walking out on him honestly made his heart grow cold not only towards Marie but other women and girls in general.

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