Chapter 7

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Kenma was still crying by the time Kuroo pulled away.

It was going to take a year, maybe more, to get him back to normal because of one stupid decision he had made. How could he have been so naive as to think the driver wasn't under even the slightest bit of alcohol influence? Heck, he didn't even know if the driver had survived.

"It's gonna be okay, Kenma." Kenma was greatly appreciative of Kuroo's efforts to calm him down. But even still, Kenma felt helpless in his situation. "I'll be there for you every step of the way."

The light feeling of Kuroo's hand on top of his hand provoked more tears to spill from his eyes.

"I-I'm so stupid," Kenma stuttered. "If I hadn't got into that car, I wouldn't be here. Oh fuck, you wouldn't be here." Kenma was finally, fully, taking into consideration the fact that Kuroo had driven from Tokyo to see him. Less than a week before he was supposed to graduate. "Oh my god, you're here." Kenma looked Kuroo dead in the eyes, terrified.

Kenma opened his mouth to speak again, but Kuroo cut him off. "Before you say anything about how I should be back in Tokyo," Kuroo slowly intertwined their fingers. Kenma looked down at their tangled fingers, his heart racing. "You matter to me more than a degree ever will. Kenma, I don't know what I would have done if anything worse had happened."

"Kuro, I-"

Kuroo shook his head, cutting Kenma off guard. "Don't say anything. I'm just glad you're okay."

Kuroo cupped Kenma's face in his hands, slowly leaning forward and placing a kiss against Kenma's forehead. "I love you so much, Kenma," Kuroo whispered into the top of Kenma's head. "I'm sorry that I didn't realize it sooner, and that it took me till I almost lost you."

Kenma felt the tears accumulate in his eyes once again, remembering the last thing he had said to Kuroo before falling unconscious.

I love you.

Kenma allowed the tears to overcome him once again as Kuroo enveloped him in another hug.


Kuroo didn't think he had it in him to tell Kenma how he felt. But in the heat of the moment, he couldn't imagine himself saying anything else.

He had been lying to himself for years. He had his feelings figured out for Kenma years ago - when he realized how hard even one year at college without Kenma near him was going to be. But he had buried those feelings, along with the hopes that Kenma felt the same for him, all because of the fear of rejection. Something he had been taught more than once, by his parents and peers.

All of those hidden feelings resurfaced the moment he heard Kenma's voice on the phone. And while a majority of the drive here had been Kuroo's anxious thoughts as to what had happened, the other parts of the ride were Kuroo trying to figure out what he would say to Kenma if he ended up okay in the end.

Kuroo kissed the top of Kenma's head once more before pulling away to see Kenma's face again.

Kuroo frowned, looking at the confused expression on Kenma's face. "What's on your mind?" He asked, placing a piece of Kenma's hair behind his ear.

"How'd you find me? I didn't think I told you where I was when the accident happened?"

"Lucky guess?" Kuroo offered, smirking. Kenma wasn't buying it.


Kuroo gasped dramatically. "Not 'Kuro'? I am deeply offended," Kuroo turned away, placing a hand over his mouth to suppress the laugh that would have escaped otherwise.

When Kuroo didn't hear a sarcastic response from Kenma, he turned back around to find Kenma smirking with an eyebrow raised.

"I tracked your phone," Kuroo finally confessed. Kenma rolled his eyes.

"You sound like my parents." Kuroo laughed at Kenma's comment, forcing a small giggle to escape Kenma's lips.

Kuroo groaned as a buzz came from his pocket. He was sure that it was just going to be someone asking him where he's been. But he was just as surprised when it wasn't.


Yamamoto (7:56 pm)

Hey man! I know we haven't talked in a while, but a few of the guys wanted to meet up for a small game later this week, for old times' sake ;)

Text me back if you're interested.


Kuroo enjoyed the thought of meeting up with his old team again, but his main concern was Kenma.

He would respond later.

Kenma's hand reached for Kuroo's forearm. "What is it?" He yawned. Kuroo turned back to face Kenma.

"Nothing," He shook his head. "Are you tired? I can head out for the night. You should rest before your surgery." Kuroo stood up without waiting for Kenma's answer. But, before he could fully stand up, Kenma grabbed his hand.

"Where are you going to stay?" Kenma looked concerned.

"I'll just sleep in my car," Kuroo replied. Kenma frowned.

"No, you won't. Get over here." Kenma pat the spot next to him on the bed.

Kuroo shook his head. "Kenma, I can't. They barely let me into your room - they'll flip if they found out I slept in a patient's room." Kuroo held his hands in opposition.

"I don't care. I'm not letting you sleep in your car."

God, he's even cute when he's stubborn.

Kenma did his best to scoot over on the bed, allowing Kuroo a place next to him. Kenma winced, as Kuroo furrowed his brow.

"Woah, hey, don't hurt yourself more," Kuroo put a hand on Kenma's shoulder. forcing him to stop moving. Kenma sighed in defeat as Kuroo climbed into the bed. He carefully made sure that he wasn't hurting Kenma's legs in any way, by making sure his legs were placed a decent length away from Kenma's.

After they were situated, Kuroo carefully placed an arm around Kenma's shoulders, pulling Kenma's small frame against his.

Kenma did his best to cuddle closer to Kuroo's chest, placing his head in between Kuroo's head and shoulder.

Kuroo took a long breath, relaxing for the first time that day. He felt safe with the weight of Kenma's body against his. He felt relieved. It was the same feeling of comfort he found in the rain on his windows.

Kenma was strong. Kuroo knew this, and that helped him admit the fact that it would all work out in the end.

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