Chapter 11

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Over the next couple of months, Kenma was able to drastically recover. Much faster than the doctors had expected he would. Only three months later, Kenma was able to walk without crutches and had been switched from large casts to knee braces to help his recovery even more.

Kuroo applied for a job a week after he graduated from the university, and was accepted into the job after his interview a week later, where he was now working as a biochemist for one of the biggest research facilities in Tokyo. His mood had been greatly lifted over the past few months, being able to go to work and earn money, and then come home to Kenma.

Kenma still worked from home, as it was still hard for him to walk around for a long time. But luckily, after the investor had heard about Kenma's injury, he allowed Kenma to attend a few meetings from home. Now, Kenma attends weekly meetings with the members of the staff for the company that he had hired. When Kenma wasn't in a meeting he was either streaming or creating content for his social media platforms.

Kuroo walked down the long hallway of their apartment building, reaching his and Kenma's apartment towards the end of the hallway. Pulling the small chain of keys from his pocket, he quickly found the correct one and inserted it into the small keyhole before twisting and unlocking the door. A simple, yet familiar daily routine.

"I'm back!" Kuroo hollered into the silent apartment. He waited for a second before Kenma's head popped out of the hallway to his right.

Kuroo shut and locked the door behind him, before walking over a placing a gentle kiss on Kenma's forehead. "How was your day?" Kenma asked into Kuroo's chest, giving him a small hug.

"Good. Yours?" Kenma looked up and smiled, nodding his head. Kuroo pulled his wrist close to his face to read his watch. "What do you want for dinner? It's already past five."

Kenma shrugged. "Surprise me." Kuroo smiled. He always liked becoming creative when it came to cooking.

Kuroo walked over to his bedroom in the apartment and set down his bag and coat in his room. As he was about to change out of his work clothes, and into a more comfortable pair, Kuroo's phone vibrated on the nightstand. He picked it up to read the text that flashed across the screen.


Bokuto (5:14 pm)

Akaashi rented a room at the new karaoke bar in Kawasaki. You in?

If Kenma is interested, he's welcome to come as well.


Kuroo opened his bedroom door, thankfully finding that Kenma's door was open across the hall.



"Change of plans. Bokuto and Akaashi invited us to a karaoke bar. Are you up for it?"

Kuroo waited a moment for Kenma's response. A moment later, Kenma walked out of his room. "I'd rather not. I've got a stream scheduled later tonight." Kuroo never wanted to force Kenma to do anything, so he was completely fine with leaving Kenma to do as he pleased.

"Alright. Do you want me to make you anything before I leave?" Kuroo asked. Kenma shook his head.

"Nope. I can make myself something."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Kuro. I can cook for myself."

Kuroo quickly changed his shirt and sent Bokuto back a quick text, telling him that he'd be there in twenty.

He flipped off the light switch and gave Kenma a quick hug on his way to the door. "Just promise me you'll eat," Kuroo instructed, knowing that there was a rare chance that Kenma would eat or drink anything while he was gone. But it was worth a shot.

"I know, I know," Kenma replied, rolling his eyes.

"Just checking. Call me if you need anything," Kuroo grabbed his car keys off the kitchen island. "Love you," He said, loud enough for Kenma to hear as Kenma turned his back and turned down the hallway.

"Love you, too," Kenma hollered back as Kuroo closed the door, leaving Kenma alone in the small apartment.


Kenma's stream ended around eleven o'clock that night. And by that time, Kuroo still hadn't returned from the bar. Kenma checked his phone, wondering if Kuroo had texted him at all while he was streaming. Just one text had accumulated on the screen.


Kuroo (7:18 pm)

I think there is leftover sushi in the fridge if you wanted to have that for dinner. I should be home around 10.


Kenma smiled at Kuroo's thoughtfulness but was then confused when he checked the time.

It was 10:58.

Kuroo wasn't normally a late person so this came as a surprise to Kenma. But he figured maybe Kuroo had just typed the message wrong and didn't realize. Kenma just shrugged it off.

Kenma spent the next hour editing his newest video, expecting Kuroo to open his door and walk in at any moment. It was now midnight, and Kuroo still hadn't walked through the door. Kenma was becoming anxious now. Had something happened? Maybe he had gone to Akaashi's house for the night and forgot to tell him?

No. That couldn't be it. Kuroo always kept Kenma updated on where he was, no matter the time and place.


Kenma (12:03 am)

are you okay? you said you were going to be back 2 hours ago


Kenma hoped that Kuroo would see his text and respond, explaining where he was and if he was okay.

But when another half hour went by and Kenma still hadn't heard anything, his anxiety began to grow.

What Kuroo alright? What had happened? What if he was hurt?

Kenma tried to call his phone. Once. Twice. Three times.

No answer.

And then another hour went by. By this time, Kenma was panicking.

He had called Kuroo at least a dozen more times and left bunches of texts.


Kenma (1:23 am)

kuroo i'm getting worried

where are you?

is everything okay?

please tell me you're not hurt

kuroo please answer you are freaking me out

kuroo i'm begging you

are you okay?

do i need to call someone?

kuroo answer your fucking phone


Kenma was pacing back and forth in the apartment, his heart racing. His knees were throbbing, but he would start having a panic attack if he tried to sit down instead of doing something.

Kenma constantly checked his phone, sending calls and texts to Kuroo non-stop.

He has to be okay. I can't lose him.

Please let him be okay.

It was 2:16 in the morning. Four hours had passed from when Kuroo told Kenma he would be home. Kenma was beginning to assume the worse. He felt like he was going to pass out.

But just as Kenma's shaking body was about to break down, he heard the familiar jingling of keys on the other side of the door.

Kenma perked his head up, tears begging to form in his eyes. In the dim light of the apartment's kitchen, Kenma watched as the door slowly opened, revealing a tall figure.

Kenma was mortified.

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