Chapter 10

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The beginning of the game was quite boring from Kenma's perspective. These players hadn't played with each other in a long time, ranging between two and four years. It was going to take a while for them to get back in sync with each other.

The first set ended quickly, with Kuroo's team winning the set 25-22.

By the second set, it was clear to Kenma that they were starting to return to their old rhythm.

The second set started strong as Yaku narrowly received a ball that had been spiked by Inuoka on the other team. Kuroo quickly ran up to the net, doing his best to stand in as a temporary setter. His set was crooked, but Fukunaga managed to spike it despite its course. The ball was received by Inuoka on the other side, and just barely passed over the net before landing on Kuroo's side of the court. His team groaned as Inuoka changed the score on the board.

Kuroo took a moment to roll out his shoulder. His lack of playtime over the last few years was starting to show, but he didn't care. He was just happy to be back on the court.

"Looks like the captain's a little rusty," Inuoka laughed as Yamamoto hyped up his attempt at trash-talking. Kuroo rolled his eyes at the redhead.

"In your dreams you motherfu-"

"Woah, hey!" Kenma's voice could be heard interjecting the verbal comebacks. "There are children here!" Kenma was somehow able to keep a completely straight face as he gestured to the youngest players there.

The second and third years burst out laughing as the first years just rolled their eyes.

"Alright screw that," Lev picked up the ball that had been rolled back under the net. "I'm gonna serve this ball, and if it hits one of you in the face, I refuse to say sorry."


The game ended with a win for Yamamoto's team. Winning the third set: 26-24.

The players bowed their heads as a thank you, before going around the gym and picking up the volleyballs to return to the large cart.

Kuroo took the time to shake the hands of some of his old teammates once more, spending a few moments talking to them as well. It felt nice being able to catch up with some of the people that had shaped him into who he was today.

Kuroo smiled as he walked over to Kenma after the team had finally completed their task of cleaning the gym.

"What'd you think? I've still got some good tricks up my sleeve don't I?" Kuroo flexed his biceps, provoking a light blush to spread over Kenma's face. But Kenma quickly covered it up with a shrug.

"Eh, I guess it was okay. Your sets were shit, though," Kenma replied to his boasting, recalling all of the crooked sets Kuroo had attempted during the game. Once he had even tried to complete a quick with Fukunaga, but everything about the timing had been off. Kenma couldn't suppress his snicker from the bench when they lost the set because of the risky move.

"I can't please everyone," Kuroo chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders. "You ready to go?"

Kenma nodded as Kuroo began leading him out of their old gym. Kuroo smiled bitterly as he closed the large steel doors for the last time.


"It was fun watching you play," Kenma said, looking out the window on their drive home. "I haven't seen you that excited about playing volleyball in a while."

Kuroo had tried out for the university's volleyball team in his first year. He made the team but was forced to quit after a year because of how demanding his classes became.

Kuroo smiled from behind the wheel. "It felt really great to play again," Kuroo thought for a second on how else to reply. "I missed my setter, though."

Kenma scoffed. "Didn't we have another setter on the team?"

"Yes. But you were our best."

Kuroo didn't have to look over at Kenma to tell he was flustered.

"Does Tora still play? Like for a team?" Kenma changed the subject, thinking back to the game. Kenma looked over at Kuroo who nodded.

"Yeah. Some club called Kanagawa. I guess he went on to play for them right after he graduated." Kuroo scratched his chin, trying to remember all that Yamamoto had told him in their quick chat after the game. Kuroo was happy that a few of his old teammates had stayed in volleyball. He had also found out that Yaku was playing as a libero for Japan's national team, and he couldn't recall if Bokuto had ever told him about it. He'd ask him about it later.

The two were silent for a while before Kenma piped up again from the seat next to Kuroo. "Hey, can we stop at the cafe? I'm hungry."

"Of course," Kuroo replied, pulling into the small parking lot. The last time Kuroo had gone with Kenma to the small coffee shop near their apartment was the night Kenma told Kuroo he was going to leave.

He could sense the excitement coming from Kenma as they entered the small rustic coffeehouse. Kuroo couldn't help but grin when he saw Kenma's smiling face as they sat down at their normal table, near the back of the shop.

Kuroo sighed happily to himself. Kenma was alive and here with him today, and he couldn't have possibly asked for it any other way.

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