Prom Part 2...

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Y/N and Gwen were in the car with Natasha driving, they were laughing and talking to one another, Y/N could feel himself coming to care for Gwen more and more, her smile had him feeling something he'd not felt since he was with Kitty. He admired her as they drove to the school where the two teens got out of the car.

"Just phone me if either of you need a pick up." Natasha said as Y/N nodded. They walked into the school and were greeted by Peter and MJ waiting with Ned. 

"Wow, Y/N. You look good." Peter said as Y/N smiled.

"Yeah, you too Gwen." MJ said as Gwen smiled. "We should go."

They all walked into the hall with Y/N looking around at everyone and assessing threats. They all got themselves a soft drink and stood talking as they waited for the music to begin. Y/N noticed Gwen was looking around, it was like she was assessing threats.

The music began and Y/N and Gwen stepped onto the dance floor.

Y/N and Gwen were remaining calm as they danced in front of everyone who was still astounded by the looks of their classmates. 

"You'll have to excuse me, I've got two left feet, one's mine, the other belongs to Daniel Day Lewis." Y/N quipped as Gwen smirked.

"Just go with the flow." She whispered into Y/N's ear.

"Difficult to get any sort of flow going in these trousers." Y/N responded, making Gwen laugh.

"Well, we don't want that now do we. Shall I tell you the trick for dancing clothes. Go commando. Free's up space." Gwen explained as Y/N nodded nonchalontly before the words processed in his brain.

"You mean, you're not wearing-"

"No, limits my movement too much. Most people who know a thing or two about dancing know that trick. My mom told me that when I complained about my movement." Gwen explained.

"Oh for the love of god." Y/N muttered to himself as they continued dancing.

"Let's see your dip." Gwen said as she fell backwards and Y/N caught her thanks to his highly trained reflexes. "That was amazing. You're sure you haven't down this before?"

"I haven't no. You have I'm guessing?"

"A few times. I didn't like it much those times but this feels better, it's with someone who I enjoy socializing with." Gwen stated as Y/N blushed.

"You...enjoy spending time with me?" Y/N asked sceptically as Gwen looked at him in a confused face.

"Of course I do, you're my friend. Why does that shock you so much?" Gwen asked as Y/N paused for a minute, still dancing, but he didn't speak for a beat.

"...I'm just, I just don't see myself as someone people would enjoy hanging out with." Y/N said as Gwen's face lowered into a softened expression.

"I don't think so, you're kind, you're brave, you're very, very smart, you're handsome, I'll admit." Gwen listed off as Y/N chuckled.

"I'm not that smart, trust me." Y/N said as they continued dancing.

They continued to dance with one another, trading conversation back and forth, they were beginning to get closer until they were about to kiss, Y/N was even knowing of it but he was interrupted when an explosion shook the hall, they all looked around and saw an orange glow through the glass roof, Y/N glanced over to Peter who nodded.

Gwen looked to Y/N who guided her over to Peter as he pulled out his phone and called Natasha.

"You see it?" Y/N said stoically.

"Yeah, I'm bringing the suit. And I'll take Gwen home if you want." Nat said as Y/N glanced back at everyone.

"I'll walk her home, give myself an alibi." Y/N said as Natasha nodded and hummed in agreement.

"Good idea. Her Dad's a cop so if he knows your alibi then it'll make things easier with him having the story." Natasha surmised.

Y/N headed over to Gwen and the group.

"We need to go!" Gwen said in alarm as Y/N nodded.

"Come on, I'll walk you home." Y/N said as he helped walk her home. On the way home they were approached by a group of thugs with knives. Y/N was calm as one thug tried to threaten him, A thug hit Y/N who took it like a champ and appeared unaffected. As one of the thugs went to grab Gwen, Y/N kicked into action.

He grabbed the thug going for Gwen and flying kneed them in the nose before turning and punching another thug in the diaphragm while delivering an uppercut to his opponents chin. the leading thug thrust his knife towards Y/N but Gwen's fist came in and knocked the thugs head into a brick wall, knocking him out.

"Remind me never to piss you off." Y/N remarked as Gwen smiled, they continued walking home, when they arrived at the home Y/N knocked on the door and it opened. George was putting his gun on his belt.

"Gwen come in, Y/N, are you coming in?"

"My mom's picking me up from the school so I best head back, besides, I need to check up on the rest of friends." Y/N said as Stacy nodded.

"All right, I'll walk you back to the school." George said as he began to walk Y/N back to the school, they passed the three thugs knocked out on the side walk.

"Looks like the Vigilante got them on his way to the scene." Y/N said as George hummed.

When they arrived back at the school Natasha was waiting with her usual disguise.

"Hey mom." Y/N said as Nat ruffled his hair.

Stacy rushed off to the crime scene as Y/N to a bathroom and changed into his vigilante suit before rushing off to investigate the scene...

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