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Finn has been very distant. There have been lots of rumors that Finn has been going around seeing other girls.

Finn is home so I decided to talk to him. Finn was in the living room.

I walked down the stairs and saw Finn watching the TV. "What?" he said while looking at me
"Can we talk about something important..." "Sure?" He said while sitting up.

I sat next to him. "Okay but you have to promise that you are not going to be mad at me."
"Why would I get mad? What are we gonna talk about?"

"Well you have been very distant... and you haven't been very interested to do anything with me but when we actually do something you're never instersed..." I said while playing with my rings.

"You're not serious... right?" "Finn don't get upset ok I-" "So what are you gonna break up with me because of some rumors! You're really going to believe some random person over your boyfriend!"

I'm not gonna lie but I have been thinking about it. "Great, your fucking thinking about it!" He said it as he put his hand on his head. I got up from the couch and went out to him and tried to comfort him.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled out aloud and walked to our room and slammed the door in my face. "FINN! CAN YOU OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE!" I started to try and open the door. "PLEASE!"

The door opened and I saw finn. I felt too guilty to see his red puffy eyes and tears in his eyes. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I walked him to the bed. I layed on the bed and he then laid next to me. We were cuddling in bed. I was running my finger through his hair. I heard a sob.

I said while rubbing his back and giving him a light kiss to calm him down.

"Y-y/n...I dont want to break up with you..." "Finn i know I dont what to either it just that you have been very distant I just want to know why love."

"I just have been very stressed. The media is posting thing  me. I just cant handle it." "Do you want to watch a movie?"

I got up from the bed to get changed and also finn. We went back to bed and finn put his hand uder my sweater and started to cup my boobs.

I giggled

"Squishy." He mumbled and smiled

Finn Wolfhard + character's Preference Where stories live. Discover now