Do Friends hold each other like this?

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Don't move y/n

Don't wake him up

Finn Invited me to watch a movie at his house. We were in his room. I am laying in his bed with finn. His arm was around my waist and his face was against my neck.

I could feel his breaths and I could hear his quiet snores.

Stop, you can't feel like this finn is your friend. He has been your friend since we were kids.

I brought my hand to his hair.

He has always made me feel comfortable around him.

I mean he would always hold me like if he was my boyfriend he would also call me baby or love some time i mean friends don't call each other pet names.

"y/n..." I looked at Finn and he was staring at me. I don't know why but when he stares at me I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I have to tell you something but I know this can ruin our friendship..." "what is it?"

He opened his mouth but nothing came out.


I had a crush on Y/n for a very long time. And today I decided to tell her but when I was telling her I couldn't get myself to tell her.

I don't know what I was thinking but I pulled her by the waist and immediately kiss her. I was shocked when she kissed me back.


I couldn't believe that Finn Wolfhard is KISSING ME!!

I let him take over. He pulled away from me to breathe. He then immediately pulled me again and started kissing me

i felt him starting to suck on my neck & that caused a low, quiet whine to
escape my lips from the back of my throat.


he started sucking harshly, smirking against my neck. a moment
later he pulled back, he smiled.

i whimpered & tried to rub my thighs together to create friction & help contain
the wetness in my underwear. "do you love me?" finn suddenly asked,
nudging his leg between my thighs.

I looked up at him. "y-yes i love you." i felt my cheeks heat up & tried to lean forward to kiss him. he leaned down & pecked my lips. He slowly took off his clothes & helped me with mine on the way, he was making sure that he was the one in control.

Finn lightly pushed me so i was lying down, then he pinned me between his arms. love you" he said, leaning down to connect our lips more passionately this time. wanna fuck you." he said nonchalantly.

I nodded at him, thinking he was gonna touch me but he stood up and walked to his drawer I watched as he pulled out a small vibrator, putting it in his mouth to wet it all while looking at me.

he stood up & hovered over me while he rubbed my thigh with his other hand.
finn spread my legs & spat on my cunt, applying the vibrator on to my clit &
turning his on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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