Two truths and a lie

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Credits: mikesolos on Archive of our own

Mike watched as Will mindlessly drew in his sketchbook. He was beginning to grow bored, causing him to become ansty. To try and help relieve some of this pent up energy, he started to poke at Will just to get a rise out of him. He thought it was funny when Will got aggravated.

"Mike. Stop," Will says, trying to shrug off the touches. He continues as if Will hadn't said anything at all.

"Mike," Will warns. The poking continues. Will closes his sketchbook. "What do you want?"

"Want to play a game?" Mike questions, a hint of mischief in his tone.


"Yes, a game. Two truths and a lie."

"Oh. Uh...," Will starts.

"What? You know how to play, don't you?" Mike asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, of course I do, it's just..." Will trails off.

"Ohhh... I see. You're chicken," Mike teases.

"I- You know what? Nevermind. Let's play the stupid game."

Mike grins. "Alright then. You go first."

"Let's see... My favorite color is yellow. My favorite season is spring. My favorite subject is math."

"Easy. Last one. Your favorite subject is science. Besides, you're not supposed to say those types of things! You have to say something more interesting."

"Like what?"

Mike's lips begin to tug up into a smirk. "My turn."

"Go on, then," Will urges.

"I hate D&D. You're the only thing I ever been able to think about. And, uh, I'd kiss you if you'd let me."

"What?" Will's gaze meets Mike's.

"Which is the lie, Will?" Mike asks, slowly shifting closer to where Will was seated.

"I- I don't know? All of them?"

"You're wrong. Try again."

Will is utterly bewildered. What did Mike mean? It can't be true. Mike doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Mike. What are you saying?"

"Guess the lie and I'll tell you."

"You- You hate D&D..?" Will asks unsurely, quirking a brow up.

"Yeah, you got it," Mike's gaze has not shifted from Will this entire time, studying his every expression, occasionally flicking down to the other boy's lips.

"What do you mean?" Will repeats, the urgency and unbeknownst confusion in his question extremely noticeable.

"I'm in love with you. I have been. For a while, but I didn't know if you thought of me the same way. But now, I'm like 99% sure. So, tell me you love me. Please?" Mike pleads. "Tell me you want me back."

Will doesn't know how to form any words to answer. All he can do is sit there with his mouth slightly gaped open.

"I.. I don't, uh... I don't understand what you're saying. How is this even possible? Wha- What?" Will runs his fingers through his hair.

"How is what possible, Will? That I like boys?"

"Well, yeah that for one, but also–"

"Will. I like boys. A boy. You," Mike blurted out, cutting off Will's sentence.

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