You're a tease, Will

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By: grumpy_otter on Arichive


Mike watched with scrutinizing eyes as Will was making his way to the men's restroom. Only seconds prior he told him he'd be back in a few minutes.
As he waited for his boyfriend to return, Mike watched as Joyce and Jonathan walked towards their table, smiles appearing on their faces as they recognized him.

"Mike!", Joyce called out happily, giving the ravenette an awkward half-hug over the table as her and Jonathan sat down on bench across them, Jonathan offering him a smile and a nod. "Where's Will?"

"Oh he just went to the toilet, he should be back any minute", Mike assured them with a soft smile, turning to look around for Will once more.

After his boyfriends return and long lasting conversations about work and college and whatnot, Wills hand holding Mikes underneath the table started moving, his fingers tapping light patterns onto Mike's thigh, a habit of Wills that Mike had come to learn and love. Will was bored.
Okay, maybe it could've been his nervousness, he always got nervous in overly crowded places, but as Wills hand started stroking Mikes thigh gently, up and down, getting dangerously close to Mikes crotch, Mike knew Will wasn't nervous.

He had to bite back a hiss when Wills fingers closed around his growing bulge, he knew exactly what he was doing. And he'd love what Mike would do to him.
And both knew that Mike loved it just as much. But when Will started to actually, oh so carefully rubbing against Mikes very obvious boner, he had enough.

He lunged sideways to escape the awkward getting-up-with-a-boner-big-enough-for-everyone-to-see moment, taking the smaller man's hand, dragging him away from their shared table, eyes looking around searching for something while Joyce and Jonathan shared confused glances as they watched the two men disappear in the crowd.

"Where are we going?", Will spoke up when they were far enough to not be heard, acting all innocent but knowing exactly what Mikes plan was.

"Nowhere", Mike answered absentmindedly, still looking around while holding his hand.

He made a hum of triumph when he finally found what his eyes were searching for.
Now walking over to a door with the sign "STAFF ONLY", he casually opened it, dragging the smaller man inside and closing the door behind them.

The loud music and the chattering coming from the bar was now dull and a little more quiet. It was a sudden change in atmosphere, one both of them felt.
Though before Will could speak up again, he was being turned around and pushed against the door roughly, Mike placing both of his hands on each side of Wills head.

"You're such a fucking tease, you know that?", Mike murmured, not sounding mad, rather impatient and unbelievably horny, looking him straight in the eye.

The smaller man looked away, trying to hide the smirk and the faint blush that was creeping onto his cheeks by the sudden roughness of his dark haired lover. How did he always manage to make him shy, even after all these years?

"Hey, look at me", Mike said, grabbing Wills chin to make him look him in the eyes, "You know exactly what you were doing."

Will only nodded, feeling very shy, falling back into that space Mike was so easy to get him into. Where he could just lean back and let Mike do whatever he wanted. He was his and he loved when Mike showed him exactly that.

A small smile then creeped onto Mikes lips as he leaned forward to let their lips touch. The touch was feathery light and not direct, his lips hovering over the other man's and before Will could lean in to finally let their lips meet, Mike pulled back.
Not too far, his mouth was now near Wills ear, whispering. "Want me to show you how much you turned me on? This is on you, Byers. You gotta make up for it."

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