Save Them Yourself

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The mask's bottom part now sported a slight crack, Shizu looks down at the mask at the ground, she seemed stricken and horrified. That mask must've meant a lot to Shizu, she immediately went to grab it off the ground. I however stop her, with a hand gesture. Picking it up, I used one of the Origin Skills that the void has gifted me during my time in isolation. {Clock}, representing the thousands of years and mental torture that I partook in, I gained it while I was in misery. Evolving a bunch of unique skills and ultimate skills, allowing them to gain the power of the void and combine it to gain the ascended form of {Clock}.

The simpler explanation of {Clock} was that it allows a user to fast forward or reverse time for a few seconds. Of course, the longer you wish the time to be reversed or fast-forwarded, the more magicules are needed to use the skill, however, there is a standard use of the skill per day. Each use takes away 1/5 of a user's magicule reserves, doesn't matter which rank of a monster you were, it works in that rule.

Blacklight engulfs the mask as Shizu just watches, not questioning based on previous events. The crack that was visibly on it before, is no longer present, she was surprised, but smiles anyways. I hand it over to her as a small gesture.

"I won't question anything, I am glad I met you however Rimuru," she says.

Rigurd could be seen running in the distance uphill towards us,

"Let's go shall we?"

She nods as I went to grab her hand, accepting it, Rigurd gasps as he stops to take a breath,

"Sir, the preparations are finished, though I dare say that I was a little late."

We did stop quite far away, that's on me, assuring that none of it was his fault, he slyly comments on the handholding. I tell him to shut his trap as Shizu laughs lightly.


The trio was stuffing their mouths with meats and vegetables, they grew crops! Not a pretty way to present themselves, the nearby goblinas either laughed at them or were in disgust. Shizu laughs at their antics, and joins them shortly, already wearing the mask she sat down next to Ellen who reserved a seat for her.

Eating behind her mask, what the hell? How. She effortlessly chows down, what an interesting talent. Noticing my gaze, she just shrugs, I like her attitude. The others just watched me before continuing.

"Hopefully the food is good, but before anything further happens, I need to know your business in coming here."

Kaval the only one who decided to stop grunted and replied, explaining how their "stupid" guild master forced them to check out a village that onlookers from other guilds have found. Interested in the disappearance of Veldora and our affairs?

Listening in intently, I decided they wouldn't pose a threat to anyone in the village, Shizu sat me down on a cushion next to her, accepting it she adds me to their conversation. The trio talked about their adventurers and stories about the guild like old friends talking over a can of beer. They asked me similar questions about my adventures and stories, however, I couldn't tell them the truth, it'll cause an uprise, and I wasn't sure how the human kingdom and empires would react to it, it was an unnecessary problem I would like to avoid.

With most introductions out of the way, I decided that family should also join in. Spice things up a bit eh? I call over a lone goblina cleaning the trays that the trio used and told her to send my message. Moments later a ruffled and baggy T-shirt wearing Veldora bursts through the door, he yawned and look sleepy. It was still evening, why was he asleep, slacking off?

Veldora caught my knowing look, and cowered a bit, I sighed and motioned him to come to the table, at the same time I stand up from my seat and the whole group fell quiet. I put my arm around Veldora and put him in an almost headlock position, he irks but I just introduce him,

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