𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮♡

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Request by @stoneangle500 Sorry for any mistakes!!Hope y'all enjoy 💕🫶🏽

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Request by @stoneangle500
Sorry for any mistakes!!
Hope y'all enjoy 💕🫶🏽

As we was transitioning to our next period, I went to my lock and grabbed my stuff for my next class until a boy who's got a crush on me come up to me.

"He do u wanna hang after school" he ask me "umm yea" "but I thought u had plans with me" finney said popping outta nowhere.

"Umm-" "she has plans with me now fuck off" he said and the boy got scared and ran off.

"Finney why would u-AHH" I scream as he pushed me into the lockers and wrapped his hand around my neck with a tight grip.

"If I see you OR him together again, I will murder him and I'll let you watch me do it. Got it" he threatened.

I was so scared that had tears running down my face nonstop "awe don't cry baby, just don't disobey me and it won't happen" he said kissing me and took his hand off my neck and whipped my tears and walked away.

I stood in there in shocked and scared, i shakily grabbed my stuff and went to my next class.

'What the fuck happened to him?'

"So do you wanna go out with me" this boy I've NEVER seen before "umm-" "no bc she always has a boyfriend fucker" Robin said.

"Oh my bad" he said and walk off not wanted to have beef with him.

Me and Robin was lookin at each other and he gave me hug which I confusingly gave him one back.

I was about to break from the hug but his gripped tighten on me "if you think you can leave me for a bitch like him then your ass thought wrong-your mine and only."

He said and smacked my ass and kissed me and walk away.

'....he's just overprotective...that's it- or he's-'

"Y/N LETS GO" Robin yelled makin me flinch and quickly ran over to him.

'Something's wrong with him-he never acts like this'

As me and Bruce was at the mall shopping, we both were having a good time

We entered this store and it got some good stuff, we went out separate ways in the store because they had it for men and women's.

As I was lookin at the cute tops they had a musky boy came up to me.

"Damn shawty u lookin good" he said "imagine tryna act like something your not..could Neva be me" i mumbled.

"Who said I was tryna to act" he said grabbing my waist.

"Bruh can you-" "get the fuck off of her" Bruce said.

"Or what" he smirk at him then Bruce smiling at him "or I'll fuckin cut your eyes and and gut u like a pig" he said.

They boy quickly let go of me and went out of the store "and for u" he said and and gripped my waist tight "if I see u with another guy again I'll put u in that basement I have and let u starve...okay?" and I let out a small 'okay.

"Good" he said and kissed my check, grabbed my hand and walk out the store.

'Now what in the chitter bitter fuck was that?'

Me and Vance was at grab N go and I was watch him trying to beat his score.

"Holy shit your gonna be your score" I said smiling "ofc I'm gonna beat it baby" he said. (don't get it twisted💀)

As I watch closely as he played the game someone bumped into me which causes me bumping into Vance and made him loose.

Me and him yelled and I look at the dude who bumped into me.

"What?" "The fuck you mean 'what' you made me bump into him which made him loose his game.

"So what, u need a real man like me" he said and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Vance yanked me back and steps forward "fuck off or I'll beat you the fuck up" he said.

The guy rolled his eye and walk off. "Baby I'm sorry I made you loose your game" I said and turned him around

His face was red and then leaned down to my ear and whispered. "I'll kill you if you do that stupid shit again" he said and pinch my thigh hard.

"O-okay I'm sorry" I whispered, he learned back up and gave me and smile and kissed me.

"Good now lest go home and cuddle" he said and grabbed me wrist.

'Why is he acting like that?- I know he has anger issues but this-'

"You okay baby u look scared" he ask me "uh yea I'm fine" "mhm good" he said smirking.


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