𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 + 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐀𝐥𝐥

870 14 2

A/n: sorry for any mistakes 🤍🩹

"Ugh" I slam my alarm off sitting up and trying to wake up, I got up from my went going into the bathroom and stared to brush my teeth and wash my face, I checked the time and noticed I still have to to take a shower to I did.

After that I walk back into my room with a towel wrapped around me and stared to put lotion on my body, I then putted on my clothes which was a crop tank top, black shorts and on top of that were a pair of kinda loose jeans and a pair of Air forces.

I grabbed my book bag putting a Jacket in there and made my way downstairs to wear my mom and brother were into the kitchen eating breakfast "you have to go" I put a piece of toast in my mouth "it's only seven-thirty-" "five" "why didn't you say a...

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I grabbed my book bag putting a Jacket in there and made my way downstairs to wear my mom and brother were into the kitchen eating breakfast "you have to go" I put a piece of toast in my mouth "it's only seven-thirty-" "five" "why didn't you say anything?"

She scold and hurried to put her coffee in the sink and hit her work coffee to out in her bag with her lunch, she put her bag over her shoulder and grabbed my baby brother who was giggling watching her.

"C'mon we're gonna be late" she hurried out the houes and I took my time walking towards the door "wait where Jorge gonna go?" She stopped and think "I have to be to work at 8:30 and you have to be at school by 8:30 also so your just gonna have to walk"

"UH-HUH" "you have to it's not even that far away from here" "that's a 10 minute walk" "which isn't far, I have to drop your brother off at your grandparents house" "ugh fine see you later" "bye baby" she kissed my cheeks and hurried to put Jorge in his car seat and waved at me.

"Bye Jorge" I waved at him which he giggles and try
Mom drove off to the direction to my grandparents house, I sigh and pulled out my phone and my headphone and was about to play music.

"HEY" I continued to walk not thinking anything of it until someone pushed me but I caught myself "excuse you the fuck" I made a face and rolled my eyes but people stared to come over towards me and the two boys.

"You new?" I looked around and people were staring "uhm Aliyah..why?" "What are you doing here?" One of them said as both boys circled around me "are—are we serious right now?" I ask "where pretty damn serious here" he said looked me up and down.

"I'm not understanding-" "you'll understand...after we beat your ass" I made a face "we as in...?" "Me and my good old buddy" he pointed to the one who cracked his knuckle "wait y'all finna jump me...for what? I don't even know y'all—I moved here like last Friday"

"So? Give us your money" I stared at him and snickered making both boy look confused "what's so funny" "what is this the 1950's?...please get out of my way" I tried to pushed pass them but they pushed my back shoving me onto the ground "the hell is wrong with you?"

I ask wiping the dirt off my hands "awe what are you gonna do..cry to your mommy?" They turned to each other laughing and hitting each other, I got up and walked over to them "no but you gonna be crying" "why—"

I punched him dead in the face 'DAMN' the crowd yelled and the other boy looked between him and me, he tried to swing but I grabbed his arm twisting it making him cry in pain "ALRIGHT LET GO" "leave me the fuck alone and tel yo punk ass friend that to"

I pushed him onto the floor as he backed away from me looking scared I grabbed my stuff from off the ground and walked away leaving the boys in the ground as he was trying to wake up his friend and the crowd staring to walk away also.

I swing my bag over me as I stared to wipe more dirty off my hands that were still on my hands, as I was about to take out my phone someone tapped me causing me to stop and turn around and saw five people standing there and they were just staring.

"...yes?" "OH uhh Umh" the blond short curly hair started to stutter a bit "I'm sorry about him he's-" "a fuckin clown" another curly blond cut off the Mexican boy and I stared at him shocked.

"I'm Robin" the Mexican said
"I'm Bruce" the Asian boy said smiling
"I'm Vance" the blond glare at me
"I'm Gwen" the short girl said smiling
"I'm finny" he stared at me and looked down

"Umm well I'm Aliyah-" "like the singer?" The girl blurted out and I smiled "yea like the singer" I smiled at her and the boys continued to stare at me making me awkward nod and pure my lips together "well I'll see y'all around the block I...guess"

I said Turing around walking around from the group "HEY" I turned around and saw the group walking towards me "what school your going to?" "Denver-" "well the high school one or what?" Vance said attitudinally "the high school one"

"Oh cool we're heading there to" Robin said and I nodded "maybe we could walk with you-" "if you don't mind" Bruce cut Robin off "no I don't mind" I smiled and we all began to walk:

"So you're new?" I made eye contact with Bruce "yea moved here because I kept getting into fight at my old school-" "really?" Robin ask and I nodded "yea my mom wasn't happy about me getting expelled from time to time and we moved here"

"Are you gonna get into fights here?" Vance ask and I shrugged "who knows but it's my first day so I hope it goes well" I smiled at them.

After school was over, everyone stared to head home, buss rider, car rider or walker, but I was a walker so of course I walk home and the same group of people were outside talking and I walked passed them only to get called back

"Hey can we walk with you?" Robin ask and I looked at the rest of the group and looked back at him "uh yea sure" I said walking again as they followed me.

After talking and walking and getting to know one another it was time for me to go "well this is my stop I'll see y'all later?" They all smiled and nodded beside Vance who rolled his eyes and they said bye to me and stared to walk off.

'Today was a good day after all'

𝐒𝐊𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒                                             | 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 |Where stories live. Discover now