| 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | V.H

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I'm scared
I sat on the bed while he yelled at me for something stupid, all I was doing is trying to help
"YOU STUPID BITCH" he yelled and slapped me.

It's feel like you don't care
At night we laid in the bed together, he hold me close like he didn't hurt me a few minutes ago.
"I'm sorry baby..I was just mad" "...do u even care about me?" "Of course I do-now get some sleep"
he said and kissed my forehead while I just laid there...thinking.

Enlighten me, my dear
"HE FUCKIN HURT ME" "proof it" he smirked I started at him with anger and sadness I looked at everyone..they looked annoyed so I walked away
"I can't do this anymore"
I said as my eyes started to tear up.

Why am I'm still here?
I was in the shower letting the water run down on me while I just stood there thinking.
'Why am I'm even still here..I should be gone' I sigh while tears was rolling down my face

I don't mean to be complacent with the decisions you made But why?
I sat there at the table while he made decisions for me like I can't make my own fuckin decision.
"Why?" "....Why wha-" "you gotta make decisions for me?" He looked and scoffed "because u make dumbass decisions" he said and continue to talk
And I putted my head down.

'I wish I was dead'

In the back of my mind you died
I watch as this guy was killing him, he yelled for help but I just stood there..watching.
"Know you know how I feel"
I woke up in a cold sweet as I looked around the room confused and saw Vance sleeping.

And I didn't even cry
sat there shocked and I didn't cry,
'Did I really want him dead'
'Ofc you do'
I sigh and laid back down.

No, not a single tear
As I laid there I was lookin up at the ceiling fan
Not even a tear rolled down my face
I closed my eyes slowly falling back to sleep.

And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive
I waited for Vance to come to our date that he planed at 8:30 and now it's 8:59
'Knew he wasn't gonna show up' I rolled my eyes and continued to sit here.
It was now 9:19 "I fuckin hate him" i mumbled and got up and walked home since he said he'll be right back and never did
just had me sitting there looking stupid AND dumb.

In the back of my mind
"Sorry I missed our date" I said to her and she sat there lookin sad "it's okay" she mumbled.
"Let me get you a drink" I said
I grabbed her a water and hand it to her
"here you go" I smiled and she looked at my weirdly.

I killed you
"Thx you" she said and drunk it, a few minutes later she stared to coughing and blood starting pouring out of her mouth.
She looked at me for help and I stood there watching her die I heard her mumbled a faint 'help me' before passing out and dying.

And I didn't even even regret it
I looked at her lifeless body with blood still pouring out of her lips, I didn't regret any of it.
Didn't felt pity
Didn't feel mad
Not even...sadness
Felt normal like it's a normal thing to do.

I can't believe I said it
"I can't believe I'm really sayin this but..I'm glad your dead" i mumbled still lookin at her dead body.

But it's true
Because it's true..I wanted her dead even since I saw her..that's why I got together with her..just to kill her. Nobody loved her, they left her.
I rolled my eyes and got ride if her body and the blood that was on the floor.

I hate you
2 weeks later
I was sitting down in my chair looking at television until it started to mess up and the lights started flickering. And all of a sudden a knife come flying towards me cutting my cheek.
I slowly got up and the house started to shake
A familiar voice yelled making me cover my ears and the shaking stopped like never happened. I slowly got up and saw her spirit looking at my with dead eyes "why" she said before disappearing.

I HOPED Y'ALL LIKED THIS...like I rlly did this just for my best friend since Vance is her husband💀, but I rlly hoped y'all liked this I tried my best...this took me abt some hours to make bc I was texting my best friend and called my other friend-OKAY BYE FINNA GTS💕👹💕💕💕💕💕

this took me abt some hours to make bc I was texting my best friend and called my other friend-OKAY BYE FINNA GTS💕👹💕💕💕💕💕

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