Chapter 18: Interuptions (Percy's POV)

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Annabeth and I had such a great picnic. We ate, laughed, and read books. Well, she read them anyways. I just stared at her and resisted the temptation to kiss her right then. After, we headed back to the apartment. We decided to hang out in my room until my mom got home. Annabeth laid on my bed on her back, with her head hanging off the edge and her nose in a book. I sat next to her and traced my finger on her stomach, making words for her to guess, but she just ignored me and read. At one point I spelled out, "I love you." and she looked at me before putting down her book and pulling me towards her. We started kissing for a few minutes when suddenly we heard a crash outside. Annabeth looked at me with worried eyes before jumping up and grabbing her weapon. I got Riptide out of my pocket and clicked the pen so it turned into a celestial bronze sword. Annabeth and I raced out of my apartment and down to the street. My breathing hitched when I saw three 8 foot tall shaggy-haired humanoids. They had red skin covered in tattoos and claw like fingernails. They weren't as terrifying as some other monsters I've heard about, but they were still pretty freaky. "Laistrygonians," Annabeth breathed, gripping her dagger and Yankees cap. "They're humanoid monster creatures, I guess. I don't really study them because they're not very important or rare. We can kill them. I'll use my Yankees cap to turn invisible and sneak around behind them. I'll distract them while you charge and kill one. Then we'll take the other two together. Got it?" Annabeth looked at me with her beautiful steal gray eyes. I kissed her quickly and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Got it. Let's go. Be careful, Wise Girl." "Only you need to do that, Seaweed Brain, being the reckless person you are." She smirked at me and put on her Yankees cap before I could defend myself. I observed the scene unfolding around me. What we heard earlier was a car being flipped by one of the Laistrygonians. Thanks to the mist, the mortals probably thought it was just a regular car crash. The three ugly brutes were now ripping up trees in the park. Suddenly, the Laistrygonians roared and one of them stumbled, a huge slash pouring blood on his leg.
I took that as my cue and charged.

Chapter 19: My Girlfriend is Awesome
(Percy's POV)
I charged at the three ugly beasts and stabbed the fallen one straight in the chest, disintegrating it. "Percy! Watch out!" I heard Annabeth shout behind me. In the blink of an eye, I was shoved to the ground and a Laistrygonian roared in pain. I thought I had died and went to heaven when I saw an angel over me....... Oops. Scratch that. It was my angel, Annabeth, and what happened was she shoved me out of the way from getting impaled by a Laistrygonian and flipped over it, stabbing and killing the monster. She's so awesome and pretty and sexy- Snap out of it! You're in the middle of a fight! "Thanks beautiful." I told Annabeth as she hauled me up and swung her dagger at the last giant. "No problem. Now help me kill this last one without killing yourself, you idiot." She said fiercely. "My pleasure and I- Hey!" I pouted. "Percy! Focus!" She scolded as a tree landed in a thud next to her. "Oh right. Sorry." I said as we stabbed and killed the last monster together. We looked around at our astounding work. I smirked, pleased with myself for killing all these beasts. "You didn't do it alone, Seaweed Brain, and you didn't do much either. I came up with the plan, volunteered to be to distraction, and saved your life. This was my victory mostly." Annabeth cocked a smirk, her hand on her hip. I sighed, my thoughts defeated by Annabeth's wisdom again, "Fine. Fine. You did mostly everything, Wise Girl. Now let's get back to the apartment. My mom will be home soon." I clicked Riptide and placed it back into my pocket. I grabbed Annabeth's hand and we ran back to my room. Once we got there, Annabeth excused herself and went to put her dagger away back in her bag. I went back in my room and started to clean up a bit. I hadn't realized how messy it had gotten. Then I heard the door open and my mom's voice, "Percy! Annabeth! I'm home and I brought movies and pizza for you two!" Oh yeah, my mom is also extremely awesome. "Coming!" I called with a big smile on my face. Another great day.

Chapter 20: My Idiot, Percy (Annabeth's POV)
The next four days went by in a fantastic, funny, adorable blur that consisted of Percy and I. He's the greatest boyfriend ever and we haven't even been together for that long. Anyways, today was the last day at Sally's apartment so us three decided to go out and do something fun together. The air outside crisp and chilly, making us all have to wear jackets for the first time this summer. I didn't bring a jacket warm enough with me so I had to wear one of Percy's. It was a leather jacket with cotton sleeves and it had a Percy's name stitched on the back with blue thread. Go figure. It smelled like the sea and I wore it the whole time we walked around New York. We finally came to the conclusion of going to this new aquarium just a few blocks away. Percy was so excited to see all the fish and marine life, but I knew he would eventually get annoyed when all the fish call him "Lord Perseus" or "Son of Poseidon." He doesn't particularly like all the worship from his aquatic friends. We finally got into the aquarium, and let me just say, it was breathtaking. All the rainbow colored fish and dolphins and turtles swam peacefully with each other in these huge coral filled tanks, that lined the walls along wide hallways. Percy was like a little kid seeing all these magnificent creatures for the first time. He was such an adorable idiot. My adorable idiot. "Annabeth! Come on! I want to show you the stingrays!" Percy grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall. "Let's go mom! You have to take pictures!" Percy called after Sally. Sally and I rolled our eyes and giggled, following Percy around all day. We took some pictures with the fishes and they came out perfect since Percy asked the aquarium creatures to look at the camera when they were taken. We took some pictures where we had fish faces, where Percy and I were kissing, and a few with all three of us just smiling with the fishes. It was a great day. Now to the present. We were about to leave. "Oh hold on kids. I need to use the restroom and call Paul. Be back in ten minutes." Sally chided. "Okay. Take your time. No rush." I said politely. Sally smiled and headed off to the restrooms. Percy randomly took my arm and started dragging me away from our waiting spot. "Percy! Where are we going? Your mom said she'd be back soon!" I scolded, trying to stop him. "Don't worry! We have plenty of time! My mom's conversations with Paul normally last a while. And I didn't get to show you the sharks! Come on!" Percy grinned at me like an idiot. I sighed and agreed, letting him pull me along. Soon Percy stopped and put his hands over my eyes and told me to block my ears. I did as he said and when he took his hands off my eyes, I shrieked and hugged Percy. A huge shark was looking right at me on the other side of the glass. Percy doubled over in laughter and I punched his arm. "You idiot! That gave me a heart attack!" I glared at the stupid idiot I call my boyfriend. "I'm....sorry." Percy got out between laughs. "I.... couldn' you.....Wise Girl." He stated, finishing his laughter and pulling me close to him. "I love you so much." He whispered, kissing my nose. "I love you too, Seaweed Brain. Thank you for today and for this whole week. It has been the greatest time of my life. I mean it. Thank you so much." I kissed Percy sweetly, hugging him. "Anything for the love of my life. Anything. Now let's get back to my mom." He kissed me once more, then took my hand and we walked back to our meeting spot. He may be an idiot, I thought, but he's the greatest and sweetest idiot. My idiot.

Chapter 21: Back to Camp (Percy's POV)
Today was just an amazing day. This week has been wonderful with my girl and my mom. Gods, I love them so much. Once we got back to the apartment, we all ate dinner then went to sleep. It was late and we were kind of tired. As Annabeth was about to go into her room, I stopped her, "Annabeth?" "Yeah, Percy?" She looked at me with her amazing eyes. They always took my breath away. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" I asked. She rose her eyebrow and gave me a quizzical look. "We aren't going to do anything. I just figured it's probably our last night together for a while since we are going back to camp tomorrow so....." I nodded towards my bed. Annabeth giggled, "Okay, Seaweed Brain, but don't try anything." I stood up tall and saluted her, "Yes ma'am." Annabeth laughed that crazy laugh that makes my stomach flip. She walked over and I let her pass into my room. She waited till I laid down and then laid with her back to me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. "Goodnight Wise Girl. I love you." "I love you too. Goodnight, Seaweed Brain." We drifted off to sleep pretty easily with a dreamless night. When I woke up, Annabeth shifted and started to open her eyes. I kissed her forehead, "Morning, sleeping beauty." She answered back groggily, "Hey Perce." I chuckled, "Come on. We should get up, eat and pack. It's back to camp for us." Annabeth frowned and I felt her body tense against mine. I knew who she was thinking about and what she feared to happen again. I hugged her protectively and spoke softly to her, my face buried in her soft curls, "Don't worry about that, Annabeth. Chiron sent him away and I'll never let him or anyone ever hurt you again. I promise." Annabeth's body relaxed and she exhaled, "Okay. Thank you for everything Percy. You're the greatest boyfriend and person to ever exist." She kissed me and we laid like that for five minutes. Finally, we both got up and ate breakfast. After, she showered while I packed and then we switched. After we were all set and ready to go we said goodbye to my mom. My mom hugged Annabeth and kissed her forehead, saying how glad it she was to have met her and to take care of me. My mom pulled me into a bone crushing hug and kissed my cheek. "Bye sweetie! Be safe and Iris-message me every week." "Bye mom. And I will." I smiled at her. Then she pulled me in for another hug and whispered, "Hold on to Annabeth. There aren't many girls like her. She's a keeper." Then she pulled back and grinned, "Love you." I glanced at Annabeth, smiling, "I love you too mom." We headed out of the apartment and to the curb where Argus picked us up to go back to Camp Half-Blood. Once we got there, we went to the Big House and talked to Chiron for a bit. We caught up on what's new, which wasn't much, except for that Seth was sent to the Roman camp and we "unfortunately" won't see him ever again. After, we went to see Grover, Juniper, Luke, Thalia, and Malcolm. They all hugged us and shared some stories about what happened while we were gone. "Hey, how about all us girls have a sleepover tonight and the guys can do whatever idiot guys do?" Thalia asked, smirking. Annabeth picked up whatever she was putting down. Gods, those two can like, read each other's minds. "Great idea, Thals. Let's do it." Annabeth copied her smirk so well it was creepy. "Okay. Us guys will hang out in Percy's cabin for the night. Bye Thalia." Luke kissed Thalia's cheek and us guys walked off to my cabin while the girls went to Thalia's cabin. I peered over my shoulder and looked at Annabeth's retreating back. Her, Thalia, and Juniper were whispering and snickering, but I was to far away to hear what they were saying. "Well, this will be an interesting night." I said to Grover, Malcolm and Luke. They just nodded and sighed simultaneously.

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