Chapter 22: The Plan of Attack (Annabeth's POV)

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Thalia, Juniper, and I ran fast to the Zeus cabin when the boys were out of sight. Thalia and I have been making up a plan in our heads. A plan that would send the boys running for Rome, and place us girls into a never ending fit of laughter. Once we were inside Thalia's cabin, we laid out all of our things for tonight. Then, we sat at the table and I stared intently at a map of camp. "Okay.... So-" I stopped. Thalia came back to us, guzzling a Mountain Dew. "Thals? Where did you get that?" I asked, gapping at the drink like it was liquid gold. When do you ever see an actual bottle of soda around this ancient designed camp? Thalia sat down and put her feet up on the table, "Well when your boyfriend is a Hermes kid who conjures up modern crap, you get things like a mini fridge and assorted sodas and chips. Perks of dating Luke I guess." I rolled my eyes and focused back on the map, "Okay. So this is Percy's cabin and this is your cabin, Thals." I said, circling each cabin with a sharpie. "The boys went the opposite direction as us when we spilt so I'm betting they went to the dining pavilion to get food. Otherwise, the would have just followed us since the Poseidon and Zeus cabin are diagonal from each other." Juniper sighed and folded her arms over her chest, "Typical boys and their food." Thalia and I groaned and nodded in agreement. "Alright so after dinner tonight is the bonfire. We will be skipping the bonfire. That's the point when we are rigging the Poseidon cabin with pranks and scary items." I smirked. Thalia put an arm across my shoulders, "I sure did miss you Annie. You plan the attack and I set it up. We're a team." I smiled at her and then heard an unsatisfied "ah-hem" from Juniper. "What about me?" She wined. "Come on girl. Look alive. You're our new recruit." Thalia suggested. "In training." I added and Thalia agreed. Juniper perked right up, "Okay! Oh! I got it! I'm going to go get some rocks and vine rope from the forest. They'll be great for the prank! Be right back!" She ran out the door in a fit of giggles. "Gods, she's so giggly and innocent. I can see why Grover loves her." Thalia sighed and tossed the empty bottle of Mountain Dew into the trash bin. "Are you okay Thals? You seem" I shrugged. It was true, Thalia wasn't as sassy and everything as she used to be. "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine. Luke's fine. We're fine. I'm fine." She looked down at her hands, her multicolored hair shading her eyes. "Come on Thalia. I know something's wrong. Did you find out something about Luke? Did he do something to you? Cause if he did, his part of the prank will be the worst." Thalia chuckled and looked at me slightly, "No Annabeth. That's not it. Thanks, though and back at you. Luke's just....been distant lately. I mean, I know he is busy with being one of the camp counselors, but he is not around as much. Sometimes I see him leaving camp with Argus. He's been doing something out in the mortal world and I don't know what it is. I don't think it's really that bad but the fact I don't know about it just makes me concerned. He's only been out for the past three days. He's so nervous before he leaves but when he returns he's really happy and suggests we do something together. I just hope he tells me what he's been doing soon." She sighed and slumped in her chair. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry Thalia. We've know Luke for years. He's a good guy. Maybe he's just planning a little outing for you two." I winked at her and she blushed. "Shut up Annie." She elbowed me, "And thanks." I smiled at her. She smirked and crossed her arms, "So...... What went down with you and Percy at his apartment?" My face heated and I started playing with the hem of the shirt. I thought about the eventful, romantic week and sighed a deep, memorized sigh, "It was magical Thals. I finally felt like I had someone who really cared about my happiness. I mean I know you and Luke obviously love me, but you two are a couple and stuff. Percy just made all my fears slip away and made me feel peaceful in his warm embrace." I hugged my arms, remembering the feeling of Percy's arms wrapped around me, his warm lips kissing my neck. I was about to tell Thalia about the monster issue but Juniper burst through the door, her hands full of vines and a bag of rocks slumped over her shoulder. "These should help immensely!" Juniper grinned and tried at an evil laugh. She failed but didn't seem to notice. Thalia and I flashed matching evil smirks. "Alright girls. Let's get to work." So for the next hour we made a full out master prank plan. Soon the dinner horn sounded and headed to the dining pavilion, worried about seeing the boys.
Chapter 23: Prank Time
(Annabeth's POV)
We didn't want to accidentally give away the attack plan and its sooooo easy to do that when your wicked hot boyfriend is staring at you with his beautiful eyes and you just have this guilty feeling and then he gently touches your hand and asks what's wrong and you just start spilling out all information and apologizing and then- my thoughts were cut off when I tripped over a tree root and fell into a strong pair of arms. I glanced up to see Percy giving me a goofy grin, "You alright there, Wise Girl?" I stood up and brushed myself off, not looking at Percy so he couldn't read my emotions, "I'm fine Seaweed Brain. And thank you. See you later." I pushed pass him, seeing a frown on his adorable face in the corner of my eye. I sat at my table and made small talk with my siblings. I informed them that I wouldn't be at the bonfire because I would be helping Chiron at the Big House. Good lie, huh? After dinner, I made it look like I was headed to the Big House and Thalia made it seem like she was taking Juniper to the infirmary because she supposedly "ate some bad food." After we were out of view, we snuck back to the Poseidon cabin to set up the prank. Thalia started tying rope around the furniture's posts while I stapled the bed sheets together. Then we put a bunch of marbles on the floor and some buckets filled with seaweed (yeah, I had to for Seaweed Brain) on the support beams near the roof. Juniper kept watch out doors incase the boys came back. After placing a few more things, Thalia cut the electric circuit so all the lights went out. "This. Is going to be the best prank ever." Thalia grinned at me. "Oh yeah." I fist bumped her and Juniper. "Alright. I'm going to go to the bonfire and you two will go back to Thalia's cabin. Juniper, you're still sick. Remember that." I said, pointing to her. She nodded and I smiled, "I hope this goes awesome." We parted ways and I speed walked to the bonfire pit. When I got there, everyone was already leaving and I ended up talking to Percy, Grover, and Luke. "Hey Annabeth!" Luke waved. "Hi guys. How was the fire?" I asked with my best natural face. Grover shrugged, "Good. Man, do the Apollo kids pick weird songs." I smiled and looked at Percy. He'd been looking at me the whole time with an intense gaze. I knew he suspected something but I tried my best to act normal. Percy put his arms around my shoulders, "Your siblings told me you went to help Chiron at the Big House." I nodded. "And that Thalia took Juniper back to her cabin." He raised an eyebrow for confirmation. "Yeah. She needs sleep." I gave him a small, innocent smile and faked a yawn. "So do I. Night guys." I said. Percy kissed me sweetly and gave me a hug, "Good night princess. Sleep well." "You too Percy." I whispered, kissing him again, waving to Grover and Luke, and leaving. Once I got back to the Zeus cabin and got Thalia and Juniper, we snuck back to hide in the bushes near the Poseidon cabin to watch the show. I was excited but also nervous. Percy and I have only been dating for about a month and I don't know how he'll react to our mean prank. I just hope he laughs it off in the end.
Chapter 24: A Practically Big Prank
(Percy's POV)
As Luke, Grover and I walked back to my cabin for the sleepover, I had a suspicious feeling in my gut. Annabeth was acting really weird earlier at dinner and just five minutes ago at the bonfire she seemed like everything was fine. I knew she and the girls did something but I'm not sure what. Oh well. I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out soon. I was so deep in thought that I practically walked into the cabin door. I heard giggles near the bushes and whipped my head in that direction, but they laughing stopped as soon as I did so. "Dude, you okay?" Grover nudged my back. Apparently they hadn't heard the giggles or something. I nodded and opened the cabin door. I fumbled for the light switch and when I found it, it didn't work. "What the- Ahhhh!" I yelled as I tripped and fell over something, Luke falling on my back. Grover tried to help us up but he got tangled in what looked like vines. It was hard to tell in the dark. Luke and I finally stood up with no grace. I walked a few steps, slipped on what felt like marbles and then something slimy hit my face. It smelled like low tide..... Seaweed? Oh. Annabeth. Got it. Luke was trying to untie Grover but ended up getting pelted by mini rocks, so Grover just bit the vines in half. Grover tried to help me stand but slipped on and broke a few marbles with his hooves. Anyways, after an hour of struggle, we were covered in seaweed, bruised by rocks, wrapped in vines, and running out the door. We collapsed on the ground breathing heavy. There was a fit of laughter and a few flashes of light to our left. Annabeth, Thalia, and Juniper were drowning in giggles and taking pictures. I stood and threw seaweed at Annabeth. She dodged it and tackled me back to the ground. "Did you like your present Seaweed Brain?" I huffed and stuffed a hand full of seaweed into her blonde curls. "It was amazingly clever Wise Girl. I'll give you that." She grinned, then frowned, "You still love me right?" I kissed her, "That's a world-wide fact. Always." "Always." She spoke and kissed my cheek. I finally looked around. Luke and Thalia were having a make out session and Grover and Juniper were laughing. Juniper was trying to get some vines off of him. Annabeth and I got up, "Well....." I said, glancing at Luke. "Yeah..... Let's just...." Grover, Luke and I scooped up our girlfriends and ran towards the lake with them, ignoring their squeals and protests. Once we got there we jumped into the water with them. "Percy!" Annabeth screamed before being engulfed by water. I made a bubble around us, sunk us to the bottom of the lake, grabbed Annabeth close and kissed her for a while. She finally pulled away after 10 minutes, "Percy......" She breathed out. I kissed her again before replying, "Yeah? I like to kiss my girlfriend. So?" I smirked. She put her head on my chest, "You idiot..." "Yeah, but I'm your idiot, Wise Girl." I said, stroking her hair. "Of course. I love you Percy." She whispered. "I love you Annabeth." I whispered back, "Come on, let's resurface. The harpies will eat us alive if we don't get back to the cabins." Annabeth chuckled and blushed, "About that. We kind of stapled your bed sheets together." "What? Annabeth..... I guess us guys will have to sleep with you girls tonight." I grinned. "Oh gods. I guess so." She rolled eyes, hiding a smirk. "I guess we have another night together Wise Girl." I cupped her face. "Yeah Seaweed Brain. Yeah." I kissed her again and then we resurfaced to meet up with the others.

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