Prologue: The beginning of Hate

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Naruto Uzumaki a boy that is hated by his own village for something that is not in his control. He is the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune(Nine tailed fox) the bijuu that attack the village 12 years ago that was stopped by the 四代目火影, Yondaime Hokage(Forth Hokage) Minato Namikaze 木ノ葉の黄色い閃光, Konoha no Kiiroi Senkō(Yellow Flash of The Leaf) by sealing the Kyuubi into his own child at the cost of his life along with his wife Kushina Uzumaki.

But what many people didn't know is that the kyuubi was sealed into two children which were Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and Natsumi Uzumaki-Namikaze. Yes they are both twins of Minato and Kushina.

After the death of Minato and Kushina,Hiruzen decided to separate the twin's in order to protect them. He named Natsumi as Natsumi Namikaze and Naruto as Naruto Uzumaki. But during the council meeting Danzo asked what happened to the Kyuubi and Hiruzen had no choice but to reveal it and so he said that the Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto. The council than demanded that Naruto should be executed but Hiruzen said that Minatos last wish was for Naruto to be seen as a hero.

And that didn't work out since Danzo asked to use his root army to spread to the village that he was the Kyuubi reincarnation. Naruto had to grow up faster that most kids his age do to the treatment of the villagers towards him. All the while his unknown twin got adopted by the Uchiha Clan by Mikoto and Fugaku. Natsumi got along well with their family with good brother sister relationship ship with Itami Uchiha the older daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku and Satsuki Uchiha the youngest.

Natsumi was seen as the Princess of the village due to being the daughter of the Forth Hokage while naruto was seem as a pest that should be eliminate. Through out the year Naruto was seen doing pranks and many other things to the village so that they will acknowledge him. Most though that he was a failure due to his dead last position in the academy.

But on the contrary Naruto was not a fool. Naruto is stronger that what most would think and is hiding his true self behind a mask. He even is on friendly terms with the Kyuubi or also known as Kurama and the truth about his parents and his sister. Yes he had his suspicion since they he was 7 years old do to their chakra being similar since he was a sensor.

Over the years he had hoped that Hiruzen would tell him the truth or at least let him know that he had a twin sister but how wrong he was. Even time he asks Hiruzen if he had any family he just denied and said that they died during the Kyuubi attack. He was frustrated with him so he just stopped asking after a while.

At 12 years old he graduated the dead last at the academy. He was placed in a tean with Satsuki Uchiha, Natsumi Namikaze and Sakura Haruno led by Jonin Kakashi Hatake or also known as Kakashi of the Sharingan. He thought that at least he would teach him shinobi arts since the academy refused to teach him properly. But how wrong he was and the only thing that he actually teach him is tree climbing and that was in their first C rank mission turn A rank.

Since that mission Kakashi has been trained Satsuki and Natsumi secretly believe that Naruto does not know.
Naruto's blood boiled when he found out about that his sensei is just like the rest of the villagers. He thought that his father's student would be fair to the team but turns out he's not.

Months past and Team 7 joined the Chunin Exams where they were into more trouble when Orochimaru showed up in the exams. His goal was to give Satsuki the curse mark in order for Satsuki to be his now vessel. But Satsuki and Natsumi was knocked out during their battle and was about to give Satsuki the curse seal but Naruto should his true self to Orochimaru.

To say Orochimaru was surprised was an understatement he was impressed. Naruto managed to push Orochimaru to shed himself 2 times. But after a while Naruto mad a deal with Orochimaru to leave and that he would should keep the secret of his strength to himself while Naruto gives information about the Leaf Village. Orochimaru was surprised at first and asked him why he is giving him the information and he stated bluntly that he hated the village.
Orochimaru didn't day anything after that and just left while grinning evily.

The preliminary passed and Naruto beat kiba with only using taijutsu and Shadow Clones. For the finals Naruto didn't bother to ask Kakashi for training and just disappeared. Unknown to him his team was worried about him and Kakashi was about to give him someone to train him. Satsuki's parents asked her to invite Naruto over to their house to celebrate and Satsuki and Natsumi were actually happy but sad when they found out he disappeared.

The month passed and Naruto showed up to the final and the invasion happened (Same as canon). Most of the credit for the invasion was given to Natsumi and Satsuki which Naruto didn't care much. After the invasion Naruto distance him self with the team and was missing when Jiraiya appeared to find him to find Tsunade. The reason is because Naruto has been trained even more so that he can leave the village(his skills will be revealed trough out the story). His fellow academy friend tried to invite him out to eat but he refused saying he was busy.

A month has passed since Tsunade's return and becoming Hokage and the village was happy. Naruto was still treted the same by the village. What many people don't know that that happy days in Konoha was about to come to a end.
Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze is going to leave the village and what will change?
What will his deflection cause the village or the shinobi world. Is it peace to the shinobi world or is it destruction?

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