Chapter 1: Leaving the village

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We can see Naruto in his apartment alone without his henge sitting in a lotus posision meditation. Naruto without his henge looks even more mature with no baby fat and has long blond locks that shadows his left eye. His clothes consists of anbu style clothing.

 His clothes consists of anbu style clothing

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(Sorry not good at describing)

Naruto is now seen in front of Kurama his once blue eyes that usually radiat life and joy now replaced with coldness but if you look closely you could still see some kindness. He is now talking to to Kurama about leaving the village.

"Its time Kurama I'm going to leave the village today." Naruto said.

Kurama looked at Naruto with understanding and sadness he liked Naruto because he didn't treat him like a monster like the other but he is sad that Naruto is taking this path. But he can't blame him for what his doing and what the villagers had done to him.

"Alright kid but are you really sure about this you know that once you leave the council will put a high bount on your head in the bingo book as well for you to be hunter down." Kurama said.

"I'm sure Kurama. In all the years if been in Konoha I couldn't enjoy and happy moments In my life because of Danzo and Sarutobis foolishness. He didn't even inform to me or my sister that we are twins. You know its hurts me to do this as well and because there is someone who is my family that doesn't recognise me. Even though I don't want to admit it I really wish she knew we were twins at least." Naruto said with a sad voice.

Naruto then unknowingly shed a lone tear while talking. Kurama saw this and knew there was still some good in him but his heart was hurt really hurt by what was done by the villages and Sarutobi stupid decisions.

"Alright then kid I trust you in this I will help you. Just remember to take care of yourself and don't do anything recless." Kurama said with a smile

"Alright Kurama and thank you." Naruto said.

Naruto then gave a small smile to Kurama that was returned to while they both bumped fists. Naruto the opens his eyes and made some Shadow Clones to pack his stuff to leave the village.

Time skip: Midnight

We see Naruto jumping from rooftop to rooftop to head to the village gates with his henge on. But what he didn't realise that there was someone who saw him jumping from the rooftop.

The person who saw him was non other than Natsumi Namikaze his twin sister. Natsumi was going to visit Naruto since he has been distancing himself from the team since the Chunin Exams and acting strange. While she was headed there she saw someone jumping from the roof. Then she saw yellow hair and orange jumpsuit and there was only one person who dress like that. Naruto Uzumaki.

She started to follow him and noticed that he was carrying a back pack. Them she wondered why would he be carrying a backpack in the middle of the night. She then decided that she need to confront him.

While this was happening Naruto noticed Natsumi following him from behind and cursed for not being careful. While he was reaching the to entrance of the village Natsumi finally confronted him.

"Naruto?" Natsumi said.

Naruto stopped and looked behind him and sees Natsumi looking at him with a questioning gaze.

"Yes Natsumi?" Naruto asked while giving her his "smile".

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night with a backpack on?" Natsumi asked.

Naruto smile suddenly dropped and his eyes suddenly turned cold which surprised Natsumi since Naruto was always happy and smiling. Finally Naruto answer her.

"I'll be blunt here Natsumi I'm leaving the village." Naruto said with a cold voice.

The tone of voice that Naruto use startled Natsumi since he never spoke to her or anyone like that before. But what really shocked her was he said that he was leaving the village.

"What?! Why are you leaving the village aren't you happy with the us as a team and what about our friends?" Natsumi desperately asked.

"No I hate everyone in the village I don't consider any of you my friends and I won't explain it why to you you will have to find out why yourself." Naruto said emotionally to Natsumi.

Before Natsumi could reply Naruto Body Flickered (Shunshin no Jutsu) behind her and chopped behind her neck and knocked her out but before she passed out she herd him muttered.

"I'm sorry" Naruto said shedding a tear.

With that Naruto headed to the village gate and found the guards sleeping. That made his choice of leaving the village easier.

Right as Naruto stepped out the village he took a last look at the village one last time seeing the village look so peaceful at night. He clenched his fist at that. This village took everything away from him his family, his childhood and his happiness. This village made him what he is now, someone who hates the village and will be the cause of its destruction.

After 13 years in the village Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze finally leaves the village. Will his hatred towards the village consume him to fall deeper into darkness. Or will there be a light that will make take him out of the darkness?
Only time will tell.


Sorry for the late update been busy.
For my story of Light of Darkness It will take some time to update because I can't get any good ideas.

Hope you liked this chapter.....

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