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your pov
when i woke up on the couch this morning nick was gone. the house was quiet and everything seemed to be calm and relaxing until i hear three sets of footsteps coming down the stairs loudly.

"wake up" chris says making his voice go higher than normal.

"i'm already up" i say doing my voice the same way he did.

they all giggle a little before sitting in the same spots they were in the night before. nick turns the tv on and starts flipping through channels trying to find something for us to watch.

"where did you disappear to this morning" i ask him

"i woke up last night and decided to go sleep in my actual bed" he says rolling in eyes as if i could have read his mind.

"why were you scared down here all by yourself" matt asked me.

"no" i pause but continue to speak because i know what i'm about to say will annoy him the same way he annoys me.

"and if i was scared who would protect me, not you that's for sure" i say smiling at him.

"what makes you say that" he snaps back quick. i notice chris and nick giving each other a look before looking back at us.

"because we all know you don't care to have me around. hell you probably don't even want me here right now" i say keeping my tone the same as before so it seems like it doesn't bother me.

i get up and head to the bathroom when i turn the corner i hear a smack and chris started to speak.

"look i know you don't like her but you don't have to be a prick to her. she's done nothing to you" chris says in a whisper tone.

"actually she has" matt says to him not whispering at all.

"what exactly has she done to you" chris questions his words.

"nothing it's not important, it happened a long time ago" matt says huffing and puffing and they all got quiet. i continue my walk to the bathroom while i think about what i heard. i've never done anything to matt the guy only talks to me when he has to.

i try to ignore and get ready for the day. i wash my face and brush my teeth. i change into some baggy ripped blue jeans and keep the same tank top on from last night with some white sneakers. i take my hair down and comb through it with my fingers before leaving the bathroom.

i've known these boys since we were basically toddlers and one of them dislikes me so much he can't even hide but won't tell anyone why. i remember a conversation i had with one of my close friends. she said that maybe matt has been in love with me all this time and it's only way of hiding it. i couldn't help but laugh at it at the time. it seemed ridiculous, right? a boy disliking a girl because he likes her and doesn't want her to know. that's ludicrous, absurd almost. but i'd be lying if i said i didn't do the same thing.

author's note: if you're enjoying the story lmk so ik to keep updating often. love y'all and this family we are all in. <33

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