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your pov
when he pulled away his smile faded and his expression was doubt. he knew that what he just did could mess up everything, but what he didn't know was that i didn't care. i wanted him, that's why i flirted, but before i could express how i felt he was already headed for the front door.

i open my mouth to speak but he was already gone before a sound even escaped. i stood there in silence for minutes. i didn't know what to do or think. all i knew was i liked matt sturniolo more than just in a friend way but we weren't ever really friends so i guess frenemies is what we are.  

matt's pov
why in the hell did i kiss her? this could mess up everything.

i stood infront of her not knowing what to say. i was going to apologize but decided not to. i couldn't handle standing there looking at her when all i wanted to do was kiss her again. i could tell she was about to say something and instead of being embarrassed by her rejecting me, i bolted. i went out the front door and walked for what felt like hours. if she tells chris what happened i'm screwed but the only thing i could think about the entire time was her.

author's note: the story name did change, i'm sorry i felt like it fit better, but hope y'all are enjoying :)

Frenemies - Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now