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your pov
matt is watching my every move like i have never driven a car before. anytime i come to a stop sign or red light he's beside me pressing his imaginary brake pedal. his other leg keeps bouncing up and down non stop the whole car ride. i try to not let it bother me but he's sitting right beside me how can i not look.

"can we stop and get snacks" chris asks leaning forward onto the middle console.

"sure" i say not taking my eyes off the road because god forbid i do, matt might freak out.

i pull into the nearest gas station. chris and nick are inside before me and matt can even take off our seatbelts. i put my hand out for matt to grab the keys and when he grabs them are hands slightly touch. i look up and he's already looking at me. looking away quickly i get out of the car and shut my door. the gas station was a little sketchy but glad i wasn't alone. i walk to the door and matt was already in front of me holding it open for me.

"thank you" i say walking in fast, he nods and is right behind me when i walk in.

there are a few people inside but most of them are in line to check out. i walk up and down the aisle. matt disappeared and nick and chris went to the bathroom. i begin to feel like i'm being watched so i look up from the chips and check my surroundings. when i look up i make eye contact with a man. he's older maybe late thirties and he hasn't stopped staring at me. i walk to another aisle to get away from him but he follows me to that aisle to.

"can i help you" i ask him while i turn around hoping that maybe confronting him will scare him off.

"were you offering help" he asks with a nasty smirk on his face while walking up to me. before he could get to close to me matt walks up from behind me and stand directly infront of me.

"she wasn't offering anything. she wanted you to stop staring at her like a creep" matt says looking down at him. the man was short not shorter than me but shorter than matt.

"oh yea who are you her boyfriend" he asks in a snarky tone.

"maybe but it's none of your damn business. now is it" matt says getting annoyed with the man.

the man looked around matt and looked me up and down and smirked.

"don't look at her look at me you fucking creep" matt says stepping in his view of me. the man snarks and walks away without saying anything else. nick and chris come out of the bathroom right after the man walks outside. matt turns around and looks at me but doesn't say anything. i was still stunned by what just happened i didn't even her chris talking.

"hey whatcha gunna get" he asks walking up beside me. i didn't hear him at first because i was still in shock, not because of a creepy man hitting on me but because matt stood up for me not once but twice.

"hello hello" chris says waving his hand infront of my face as i snap out of it.

"huh" i say to him pulling my lips into a thin line.

"what are you going to get" he repeats himself slower this time so i'll hear.

"chips and a water" i says before going back into my thoughts of what just happened.

unconsciously after we paid and started walking to the car and to head back i go for the back seat because i was still wrapped up in my thoughts. i didn't even notice the triplets second guess where to sit. they went back to the normal seating arrangement and matt drove home. i was quiet the whole car ride and nobody questioned it and i don't think anybody wanted to.

later that night

i couldn't sleep not after what happened today. i was alone downstairs. alone. i get up and wrap myself up in the blanket i was using. i thought everybody was asleep so i was just going to sneak into nicks room and sleep on the floor in his room, until when i reached the top of the stairs i noticed that at the bottoms of matt's door there was still light.

i knock lightly before opening it. he was asleep and
facing away from the door. the light was a lamp on his night stand. i walk up beside his bed and look over to see if he is actually sleeping.

i lightly shake his shoulder and whisper his name but he doesn't say or move at all.

"matt i can't sleep" i whisper shaking him a little harder.

"what" he says groaning and rolling over.

"i'm sorry i can't sleep. i'm still weirded out from earlier today." i say still whispering. he moves over and lifts the cover up for me to get under them. i wanted to talk about it but he rolled over and went back to sleep.

at least i wasn't alone downstairs anymore. i knew i still wouldn't sleep good but maybe i'd at least get some sleep now better than none at all.

author's note: can you guys lmk you are liking it. i also have a chris story too.

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