Volume 1

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Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, The girl nobody really knows, this girl is a mystery, nobody knows how to uncover and nobody ever cared to uncover. Her life till the 5th year at Hogwarts could be described in one word, loneliness. She indeed has some friends which did include the Golden Trio and others but she preferred to stay alone, preferred to be alone for the rest of her life, she did believe in true love, but in her world, she would never fall in love.

Her participation in the adventures of the Golden Trio was prominent but she thought it was nothing compared to what the others contributed, she would often slip out of the crowd of onlookers who admired the adventures which presumably the Golden Trio went for and didn't include her. She would go and find peace while surrounding nature, the leaves rustling, the sun shining dimly with its hues almost fading away into the horizon as dusk surrounded the vicinity, the wind breeze blowing in a very pleasant manner, and her sitting near a bench and just admiring the beautiful scenery while humming some songs she learned. This was her typical get away from all the fame and people.

She wasn't all that introverted, in fact, she would talk to the people she thought were close to her, For breakfast, lunch, and dinner she would be surrounded by her friends and laughing and cracking jokes but you would mostly find her alone. She would enjoy being alone and liking the silence, but will her life as a whole be completely spent in it?

Holidays were a time where she would find complete peace, with no one around to bother her, no one there to steal her spot which she had mentally reserved for herself. At night she would roam around the castle, roam the courtyard, black lake, astronomy tower, Gryffindor Tower, anywhere. She would find a nice place to sit and would sing, sing her heart out. Her beautiful and magnificent voice would fill up the whole area. She found relaxation while singing.

Studies were good for her, she would study but not make it her priority like Hermione did, instead, she did it with a little leisure attitude and would get Exceeds Expectations easily. Her favorite teacher is Professor Severus Snape. He is the only professor who not only liked her performance in the classroom but also what she was from the inside. He admired and treated her like his own daughter and would give her treats when she got Outstanding in a few subjects, her life seems complete doesn't it?

Life was stressful from the 5th year Cedric Diggory had died the year prior, Umbridge became High Inquisitor at Hogwarts, her grades were down and she had a lot of family problems going on with this. Her life was being a lot hard on her, the life which everyone thought was perfect went crumbling down whenever she went and sat alone in a corner, and the overwhelming feeling of all the problems in her life came and surrounded her completely. No place to escape, nowhere to go, nothing to do but accept them and cry, her sobs and crying were as if ignored by all, it was as if she was an invincible person no one knew and didn't bother checking upon.

After crying her eyes out she would wipe off her tears and put up a smile as though nothing happened and would go and present herself like the usual self she was, she would then enter the Great Hall and dive into her dinner and would again crack jokes and be normal to others, in others eyes she was a normal girl who didn't like socializing that much, except one.

Y/n never believed in the idea of ever falling in love, she had heard many love stories, beautiful ones, and tragic ones too but she had never thought that someone like her could ever find someone who would unhinge her and open her, make her feel comfortable and free. The fact that all her other friends had or were falling in love with many people but when they asked her about her love life? She would laugh and reply saying "Me? I don't think anyone would even like me. I have never been asked out like you, I mean I don't honestly think anyone even is attracted to me, so therefore I believe there would be no one for me."

Unknown to her was that actually, someone had an eye for her, someone enjoyed her presence in a room, someone would die to talk to her and make her his. Draco Malfoy... that's right, the Slytherin Prince had an eye for an ambivert, lonely girl such as her? He couldn't believe it himself. He could in fact get any girl he wanted, but he chose her, the big question is why?

Draco admired her, her beauty, her admiration, her courage, her passion, her laughter, her voice, her eyes, everything about her was mesmerizing and who would not like her? She was the perfect girl in his eyes and he would do anything for him to get a chance to talk to her, the problem is she surrounds herself with her 'friends' who were Draco's enemies. He couldn't just go there and talk to her that easily, he was a big coward to do so.

His day wouldn't be complete without seeing her at least once a day no matter where she was, the way she walked, the way she fixed her hair while walking in the corridor, the way she wrote notes, and the way she would smile at nature. He would only wish she would smile at him that way, only wish he could make her laugh, only wish he could hear her voice directed only to him and no one else. But he couldn't do this in such an easy way, she was a person who loved being alone most of the time, he wanted to show her what he was capable of, and for that, he must start slow.

Y/n had a habit of visiting the courtyard right after classes about 20-30 minutes after, every time Draco came in confident to start up a conversation with her, but, he would come and just freeze. He would just plainly blink and admire how ethereal and splendid she looked, and how her eyes gleamed at the sight in front of her.

Y/n was best at keeping her secret crying sessions and not letting anyone know about her problems and her sufferings as she preferred to keep them to herself, but Draco wasn't so easily fooled. He could tell whether she was lying or not by just her eyes. Those eyes meant so much to him and him alone for he could tell a whole story that lies behind those beautiful and stunning eyes.

This continued for about 3 or 4 months, Draco continuously failing to start even a conversation with her, he was mad at her for making him feel this way. Y/n wasn't so easy to get, she was mostly a reserved person, not opening up to anyone and no one knew her from the inside, on the outside she showed this sweet, nice, and shy girl but on the inside, she was the complete opposite. Draco wanted to see her, not from the outside but from the inside. He would consistently fail at talking to her, he thought he could at least talk to her during class hours but nope, he would miserably stumble upon his own words. This was the effect she had on him and she had it unnoticed.

Y/n frequently had panic attacks too due to these overwhelming feelings and emotions building up and bottling up on the inside and didn't share it with anyone, she didn't even start paying attention to classes like she used to, her emotions were getting the best of her and that is exactly what she feared. She was in Transfiguration and decided on going to an empty bathroom to flush these emotions down the drain.

Draco had finally thought of it and was going to start a conversation with Y/n, the girl he always wanted to talk to, now he even had a reason to talk to her as they were partners for the upcoming Transfiguration project, he approached her right after her last class, Transfiguration ended. "Umm, hello!.... nice to meet you... Y/l/n" he said stammering a little to which she managed to giggle a little, "Umm, hello to you too Malfoy," she said to which Draco replied, "Umm, uhh, I thought... that as we are... you know... uhh.." "Your point being, Malfoy," she said impatiently as her heart was increasing with every passing second, he cleared his throat and said "As you know, we are partners in the upcoming Transfiguration project, so I thought we could start with our project right after, umm 10 or 20 minutes?" she looked at him and widens her eyes and says "Umm, I am sorry.. I won't be able to make it... now...now if you'll excuse me.." and ran the other direction, Draco was left bewildered at this response, he had expected a straight-up roasting- him session but not this. He then just looked in the direction through which she had just run.

Y/n ran to the nearest bathroom, she went and sat on the cold bathroom floor as tears spilled down her face, she had been going through a lot, her assignments were due, and her family hadn't yet resolved their problems which had led her to depression and she had chosen to stay silent for almost 2 or 3 weeks with all these emotions pilling up and exploding all at once. Her breath hitched as she gasped to take as much air as she could before breaking into another sob. She was in a bathroom where usually no one shows up, she had been crying there since her first-ever panic attack, she was sitting there engulfed in the coldness, numb was what she felt when suddenly a voice spoke "Y/n?"

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