Volume 2

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She was sitting there engulfed in the coldness, numb was what she felt when suddenly a voice spoke "Y/n?"

Y/n shot up, tears stained her cheeks and red puffy eyes. Her vision was slightly blurry but she could recognize the voice, a little, then a person dressed in complete black came towards her. "Y/n? Are you okay? What happened?" a soft and calm voice spoke. "S-Snape?" she asked and as the person was about to speak someone else entered the bathroom, almost running "Y/N!?" the voice spoke, this is the voice you heard that time, the question was who was this person?

Then the person sitting next to her answered the question she asked "Yes Y/n, it's me, Snape. What happened?" Snape asked in a concerned tone to which she replied "P-Panic A-Attacks" as Snape was again about to say something, someone sat next to her, "Okay Y/n, you are going to breathe with me okay? Just mimic my breathing and count to 10" she didn't know who this was but the voice seemed familiar and she did as she was told to "1....2.....3.....4..." "Very Good, keep going" the voice encouraged her and she nodded "..5.....6......7...8....9....10" as she finished it she opened her eyes and a hand wiped her tears off.

The person was none other than Draco Malfoy, "Wait, where is Snape?" she asked "He left when you had started counting.." he said, "Are you okay now?" Draco asked, he had a worried look on his face "I am fine now, all thanks to you" she said and laughed a little, hoping to defuse the awkwardness. "So... do you wanna... maybe talk about it?" he asked "If not that-" he was cut off by Y/n. "Umm, maybe later.... but...thanks for the help... Draco..." she said and stood up, he too then stood up with a small smile on his face. She looked at him and smiled back and started walking her way towards her dorm. Draco again just admired her as she walked away from him "At least this was a start to something." he muttered to himself as he too then made his way towards his dorm.

As Draco lay in his bed, he replayed the whole scene back in his head, and the same set of words repeatedly played in his head "thanks for the help... Draco...". He couldn't help but smile at those words. "Draco", the way she said it, in his whole life no one said his name as sweetly as she did. He wished he could hear her say it over and over again, it was music to him. He also was very curious to know what had made this girl have a panic attack all of a sudden. What were the problems this girl was facing? He wanted to stay by her side through all of it, but he would wait, wait as long as it took for her to willingly tell him her problems. He thought of all of this while staring at the ceiling from his bed. He didn't sleep the whole night.

Y/n on the other hand also wasn't able to sleep, for she had thoughts of what would Draco think of her. Would he make fun of her as he did to the Golden Trio? But he didn't seem like he was faking it when he came for her aid. But she couldn't just trust him for she had her trust broken quite a lot, finding the Golden Trio, the Weasley twins, the Silver Trio was itself hard as before them she had been broken a lot of times....

How could she just trust him like that? She had seen the way Malfoy tormented the poor first years and including her own friends, how could she just tell him her problems by just meeting him for once? She wouldn't make her previous mistakes again, no they cannot be made again as she had partially gone lonely because of her past mistake. She lay in her bed thinking of did Malfoy really mean by what he said. Was he actually concerned for her? With these questions, she closed her eyes and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

The next morning she woke up and got ready for her normal day. She headed towards the Great Hall, but as soon as she entered the Great Hall Draco came towards her, she cursed everyone and everything in this whole damn wide world under her breath as he approached her. "Morning Y/l/n," he said so casually as if this was very normal "Morning.. Malfoy," she said and then walked towards the Gryffindor table and sat down with her friends but she got a feeling of being watched at, as she looked around she was met with a sight she never expected, Draco Malfoy looking at HER direction, yes HER direction and as soon as she caught him staring he smiled at her and looked away, continuing his chat with his friends. Is this what Ginny had told her? "You know, Harry was looking at me while I was talking to Luna and when I caught him he was smiling at me! Y/n, if a boy looked at you like that, he truly loves you, or at least likes you" she shook those thoughts away from her mind, "I mean Malfoy, looking at me! Ha what a funny way to start the day" she said to herself and then finished her toast and went for her first class.

Crystal Clear  (D.m. x reader)Where stories live. Discover now