Volume 4

15 1 0

This time she had a chance of getting comfort rather than giving comfort for the first time in her life and she wasn't going to stay silent as she had stayed for practically her whole life.

"Draco, I am going to tell you something I haven't told anyone except for my friends and Snape...

2 years prior,

Y/n was a girl who used to talk to people normally, even though she was quite introverted but she nevertheless talked to people like an extrovert. Y/n wasn't yet friends with the Golden and Sliver Trio so she was alone most of the time. It wasn't that she couldn't make any friends, she wasn't in need of any, at least right now, but oh how wrong she was...

Y/n had talked to many people but one person caught her eye, she had felt butterflies in her stomach, a blush creeping on her cheeks every time he passed by, heart beating fast whenever he approached her. These were signs of pure and cute love. She was very close to him, who might that be? Adrian Pucey, the Slytherin Quidditch team chaser, 2 years older than she was. They met during Potions Snape called Adrian to your class as he had made a perfect Draught of the living dead. He had first time made eye contact with her and she felt a bit of a weird feeling in her stomach, the kind when you get a tingling feeling in your stomach. That's exactly what she felt.

After finishing her classes she was packing her things to leave when Pucey came in her direction and smiled warmly at her and said "Hello, umm Y/l/n?" he asked to which she nodded and asked "Pucey?" to which he too nodded and smiled at her and asked "Well, umm nice meeting you Y/l/n, I was wondering if you want to, you know, talk after classes are over?" and she widened her eyes and simply nodded, she didn't want to come off rude and turn him down instantly so with that she grabbed her things and left for her next class.

They had talked to each other after classes were finished, they laughed and simply just talked. Y/n had never been with boys before, as in this close proximity to them before so it was something new to her. She had never thought that a boy would even like her, but oh boy was she wrong, Adrian had been then on coming and meeting her after classes and talking with her for hours, slowly and slowly knowing her and she too started knowing Adrian.

By that time they had been best friends for 8 or 9 months and she had confirmed that he was her best friend who knew her completely except for fair good things like her depression because of her family problems, her stress, and her insecurities. Excluding all that Adrian knew about her in and out, one small mistake can leave a permanent scar.

She was in her dorm, sitting when an owl came and dropped a letter on her lap, it had her family crest and as she opened it, it said that she should study harder and get good grades as the ones she was securing weren't enough, her parents' usual fights and constantly telling her to improve was her breaking point as she finished reading the letter she tore the letter and threw it in the dustbin and that's when tears poured down her eyes, she had been holding them in for far too long, she needed a break from everything. They say when someone is at their most vulnerable they tend to say things they didn't want to, and that's exactly what happened. She was crying as she sat on the floor and hugged her knees then she suddenly heard a knock, she hastily wiped her tears and opened the door to find Adrian on the other side "Hey, Y/n I- wait, were you crying?" Adrian asked in a concerned tone and she shattered, she started sobbing again and this time Adrian was there to catch her and hold her. "Shh, it's okay let it out," he said as he rubbed her back and when she had finally stopped sobbing, Adrian asked her what was she crying about, they had been friends for so long that she trusted him, and she started telling him everything and he listened to her silently occasionally humming in response.

After she had done ranting to him about her life problems he calmly responded saying "Y/n, it's okay, now I am here" and hugged her. That was the moment she realized that she had fallen for her best friend and as both of them pulled away from each other Adrian looked at her lips and then her eyes, she slightly nodded and Adrian went for it, he kissed her with so much passion and fierce "I have wanted to do that for ages" he mumbled into the kiss and she too with the same amount of passion responded to the kiss, he grabbed her neck and pushed her into the kiss, as she then wrapped her legs around his torso. As the pair pulled away, he asked her to be his girlfriend to which she happily responded saying a big yes. This was her life's biggest mistake... how?

Crystal Clear  (D.m. x reader)Where stories live. Discover now