Volume 3

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"Do you live on Mars? Cause you look out of this world" he said and laughed at his own attempt on using a pickup line, she too then laughed but then Y/n heard a rustle in the nearby bush.... then something unexpected happened.....

The bush that was near Y/n started rustling and something black hiding under it came out and slowly made its way out but Y/n saw this and excused herself from Draco and went towards where this thing was heading.

The black-cloaked thing then ran towards one of the shops and nearby and as soon as Y/n caught up to it, there was a person standing there, with black hair, black eyes, and a black dress, can you guess who? Severus Snape emerged from the black cloak and Y/n just shook her head "Snape, what are you doing here, that too where exactly I was with Draco?" she said to which Snape replied sternly "I thought Mr. Malfoy was troubling you or something but turns out it's a date isn't it?" he asked to which she widened her eyes, she had totally forgotten to mention about Draco to Snape. "I am so sorry, I totally forgot about telling you this.. it just kind of slipped out of my mind, and then Saturda-" she was cut off by Snape "No need for explanation Y/n, I have found out about this from Ms. Lovegood and Ms. Weasley, indeed Mr. Malfoy or Draco is very... very bad at pick lines.." he said as he tried to suppress a laugh by clearing his throat, "Now that's something he has to improve on," she said and laughed.

By now Draco was confused, he saw her run behind something he didn't get a chance to look at and it had been what? 10 or 20 minutes by now? She hadn't returned still, so he decided to search for her. He went the way in which she had run and soon found her talking to... Snape? Oh, wait! He had forgotten that before even dating her he needed approval from Snape which he was sure he wouldn't get at all. He then sighed and went in her direction.

"Okay Snape, I need to go Draco might be waiting for m-" she was yet again cut off by Snape "Mr. Malfoy, Do you plan on having detention? Because you look like you would be getting one soon." Draco looked at him and just widened his eyes as Snape had heard his pathetic attempt at using a pickup line. "Umm, Professor, I wanted to talk to Y/n.." he asked hesitantly at first, and looking at him Y/n spoke "Yeah, Snape I am now going with Draco, can we talk about this later?" she asked and Snape nodded and glared at Draco as he went towards the castle.

"I am so sorry Draco, Snape just came and.. well you know the rest.." she said and to which Draco nodded and said "I know, well then shall we continue our umm, meeting?" he asked and she immediately nodded and went with him to the same bench and the pair talked and laughed at the incident with Snape. While going back to the castle, Draco asked her if she was willing to talk to him tomorrow at night again in the seventh-floor corridor. She happily agreed and then they went back to the castle and Y/n went straight towards Snape's office as she knew if she didn't go then Snape wouldn't talk to her, and she didn't want the silent treatment from him.

Without knocking she entered and closed the door behind her, "Finally decided to tell me what is going on with Draco?" he asked as he folded the Daily Prophet he was reading, she sighed and sat beside him and said "Snape.. I am sorry I forgot about it okay? Now shall I tell you or should I go back to my dorm?" she asked and Snape simply looked at her with a stern look on his face, "Okay, okay, so remember when I had the panic attack in the girls bathroom? That's when all this started.." she went on and on about her meetings with Draco, about the topics they talked about, Snape was the other person she talked to freely and Snape didn't at all judge her, neither did he interject her in the middle, instead he just silently listened as he saw her eyes gleaming and he had a small smile on his lips as Y/n finished her story of how she and Draco started talking, he cleared his throat and said "Done? That's all? I thought you had more to say, well, you don't want to sleep now do you?" he said in a sarcastic tone and to which Y/n rolled her eyes, "Well, what do you say? Harry, George, Fred, Neville and Ron were saying things like they would break his jaw if he ever broke my heart and all, let's see what do you have to say about this?" she asked to which now Snape came into a serious tone and a serious face and said "Y/n, now don't take this lightly, you know what has happened to you in the past... so it's better to first see him and know how he is and then take any decision you want, but I wouldn't mind them breaking not only his jaw but use the Sectumsempra spell too, I wouldn't mind" to which she laughed and said "Snape, for now I haven't thought about this but let's see in the future.." to which Snape just scoffed "Y/n, you might fool the others, but not me" and motioned her to leave "Go and sleep for now" he said and she waved a bye and left his office.

As she lay on her bed she thought about what Snape had said "Y/n, you might fool the others, but not me" she was confident she didn't have feelings for him, at least not yet, but deep within her, she knew that she had a little spark of love lighting inside her. But she couldn't help it, no one had since the last time at least, cared for her, at least not like this. She was not used to so much affection at first so it was bound to happen, but she hid it well, didn't let it ignite into a huge flame that she couldn't extinguish, she didn't want history to repeat itself again and wouldn't want to face this again. She then closed her eyes and slept.

Fast forward to a few months later, 7 or 8 months to be exact. She was in close proximity with Draco Malfoy, and her friends (especially Luna, Ginny, and Hermione) shipped her with Draco, Neville even said once that he kind of liked the idea of both of them dating, Ron said he liked Malfoy to speak to him respectfully and Harry agreed to him. George and Fred had made it their mission to prank him once every week to which in response, Draco pranked them every once a week too. Draco was hanging along with her friends too, just for her. She couldn't even believe it herself that she had finally come out of her introverted self and started being a little extrovert too, just for him. Well you see, Draco was a very extroverted person and he had to talk to many people and have a bit of fame too, hanging out with him ensured her a bit of fame too, to which she didn't slip out or do anything to get away from there. Instead, she tried her best to talk to them, to which Draco smiled at her with the widest grin he could get. He was sure he was falling for her even more than ever, and she too now was falling for him.

Soon enough Draco was planning on asking her out on a date, he was pretty nervous (very to be exact). He had asked her to visit her again in the seventh-floor corridor and told her to wear something nice, she too agreed on coming as he had told her he wanted to tell her something very important. And she was excited about knowing what it was

As Draco waited, leaning against the railing he saw as the moon shone beautifully and it was as if the rays only touched him and illuminated his face alone, the stars looked as if small accents on the dark blue sky as they shone brightly as ever. The scene was beautiful and when he turned his head to his left he saw Y/n, the moon in his life, the girl wearing an extravagant dark blue dress with small sparkle accents in it. She looked breathtaking, for a moment he forgot how to breathe. The moon's rays touched her face and illuminated it and this just added to his view. "Draco?" she asked in her angelic voice, it was as if he had been summoned to heaven, or had he actually reached heaven? It looked just like heaven, and even if it wasn't he wanted to savor the moment to himself and never let it end.

"Draco! Are you even listening?" she asked as she too now leaned against the railing, just like the first time they met. "I was listening to you from the first darling," he said and he just couldn't take his eyes off this beauty in front of him. Her hair was in a beautifully messy bun, "Okay then, tell me why have you asked me to come here?" she asked and he replied, taking a deep breath "Y/n, I have always, and I mean always liked you from the start, I wanted to talk to you but I just couldn't. I was too much of a coward-" in the middle she giggled and he smiled at her and continued "I have been waiting for this moment from the moment we first talked right here. Y/n Y/l/n, will you go out on a date with me?" he asked in a questioning tone to which Y/n smiled brightly, but as soon as she was opening her mouth to reply some flashes came in her mind...

"You know what Y/n! You are such a big asshole! You are the most disgusting person I have ever met, and you know what she was way better than you anyways. You are a clingy ass bitch and I literally despise you, do you hear me?" her tears were spilling down her face as she saw...

She shook those thoughts away from her mind but Draco could sense her discomfort, "Oh, I am so sorry Y/n, I....I thought... nevermind.. forget this ever happened, I should have known... such a pathetic idea.... Y/n..I am ... sorry" he said as his gaze was down on the floor, "No no, Draco I am... it's just..." she stammered as she remembered that horrible night. "Y/n, are you alright? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it..." he said as he kept his hands on her shoulder and comforted her as she spoke, she had decided on telling him, she loved him she knew it and had decided on telling him her secrets, this time she had a chance of getting comfort rather than giving comfort for the first time in her life and she wasn't going to stay silent like she had stayed for practically her whole life.

"Draco, I am going to tell you something I haven't told anyone except for my friends and Snape...

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