Chapter 2

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Cookie: Here's Chapter 2! Yaaaay. Thank you to those who have and will vote! Thanks for the comments! :) Please continue

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I dedicate this chapter to Amyscence, an awesome writer. Check out his stories!


(Kai's POV)

My favorite place to go during the school lunch hours was in the school garden. St. Mary had its very own majestic garden contained in an impressive sized glass dome in the back of the school. This was a place where I could be alone in peace. A place for serenity.

      Thankfully not many of the students came here so I was never bothered. I liked laying amongst the rose bushes, inhailing their sweet perfumes. Loved the way the rays of the sun came through the glass dome to give out an enchanting radiance to the flowers and trees. This place was my very own Eden.

      My piece of heaven on earth.


      My eyes flew open and found a petite girl with short red curls staring down at me. Her large brown eyes held curiosity.

      I quickly sat up. "Y-yes?"

      "Hi!" The girl smiled, "I'm Jenna."

      I blinked at her. What did she want from me? "Hello...Jenna."

      Jenna plopped down beside me, drawing her knees against herself and stared at me. I sensed no malice from her but her bright smile was starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

      "Um...did you need something from me?"

      "Nope," Jenna said brightly and continued to openly stare at me.

      I fidgeted. "I...if not then I'll be going..."

      "No!" She cried, grabbing my hand to prevent me from getting up. "Stay!"

      I stared down at her hand holding mine, too startled to move. It only took a couple of more seconds before that familiar terrifying feeling washed over me. It was as if thousands of worms were slithering all over my skin. They were trying to cover me in darkness.

      I didn't like to be touched...I...

      "No!" I found myself shouting.

      Before I could stop myself I slapped her hand away, crawling back away from her. Jenna stared at me, lips formed into a surprised O. I knew what I must look like to her at the moment. A very terrified rabbit.

      "I'm sorry," she said after a long silence, "I didn't know."

      I craddled the hand she had touched against me, as if it burned. " I'm sorry. I...I don't like to be touched."

      Jenna remained where she was, studying me. "What happened to you?"

      I froze. No...I didn't want to remember...Please god...make me forget.

      "Well, well well," a male voice said from behind me, "so this is where you've been hiding."

      I looked back and found three male students standing just a feet away from me, grinning. They're grins were not friendly. They held a hint of cruelty.

      "And look!" The very tall and intimidating guy in the middle with the shaved head and multiple ear piercings wiggled his brows at Jenna, "Kai has a girl with him. Kai you dog you." All three hooted with laughter.

      I stood and backed away from them. There was no doubt that the one with the shaved head was the ring leader. Warning bells alarmed in my head but I kept a steady gaze at them. Whatever their wasn't good.

      "And here we thought one of the rumors must be true."

      "What are you talking about?" Jenna stepped beside me. She glared down at the three boys. This girl was completely unafraid.

      "You know," the leader of the three began, raking his eyes over me. I didn't like that felt disgusting. Revealing. "There's another rumor going around saying you're gay."

      "Go away, Rick," Jenna told the leader, "and take tweedle dum and tweedle dee with you."

      "Ooh," Rick sneered at her, "little carrot top has a mouth on her."     

      I didn't like where this was going. My Eden, my piece of heaven was beginning to look like a setting for a place of unpleasantness. This Rick and his friends were up to no good but I wasn't about to let them ruin this place for me.

      "Come on, Jenna," I said to the girl, "let's go. The bell will ring soon."

      "Aw," Rick took a step to block my path. "Leaving so soon? My boys and I just got here."

      "Move, Rick," Jenna planted herself between us. I blinked at her. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was actually trying protect me. But why? We were strangers.

      "No," Rick glared down at Jenna, "you move. We have a little business with Kai over here."

      "Well you can take your business and shove it in a place where the sun doesn't shine!" Jenna shoved Rick out the way and reached for my hand. She stopped midway and drew her hand back. Ah...she remembered that I didn't like to be touched.

      "So annoying," Rick hissed and suddenly pushed Jenna to his two followers. "Hold on to this chick, she's getting on my nerves."

      "Let me go!" Jenna shrieked, outraged. She struggled against them but it was no use. The two boys she called tweedle dum and tweedle dee were too strong for a small girl like her.

      "Let her go," I said, stepping forward to try to help her but Rick blocked me, pushing me back.

      "Now, now," Rick tsked. "We'll let her go but there's something we want to see first."

      I took a step back. What did he want from me?

      "Rumor has it that you have both parts," he said with a cruel smile.

      What? What was he talking about? "Both parts of what?"

      "You know," he wiggled his brow, "both parts. Male and female."

      Was he joking?

      The sly smile on his face said he wasn't


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