Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (2nd Edition) (Chapter 13)

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The next day, during the morning briefing, Chakotay reported that several crew members had found small dead rodents—shrew or mouse-like creatures—placed directly outside the doors to their quarters, likely left there overnight.

The previous evening, Aki, still in his little cat form, had instinctively scoured the nearby area, hunting the small creatures with a sense of purpose. Each rodent was chosen with care, based on the individuals it was intended for.

Though he understood that his actions might be misinterpreted, Aki hoped the gesture would be recognized for what it was.

Tuvok expressed concern on hearing Chakotay's words.
"This mysterious behaviour may be cause for concern," he suggested.
The captain asked him to elaborate.
"Someone intentionally placing dead animals at the doors of crew members, could be interpreted as a threat. Numerous cultures I am aware of, deposit dead animals in a similar way, informing specific individuals they have been targeted for assassination."

"Mr. Tuvok, your intimate knowledge of planetary criminal culture never fails to impress me," declared the captain, "but I don't think we need to start worrying about assassins for the time being. Let me propose perhaps a more plausible explanation."

She asked Chakotay to name the crew quarters where the dead creatures had been found outside.
He listed off several including Harry's, Tom & B'Elanna's, and the three ensigns who had gotten in trouble the previous day.

Janeway nodded her head; it was exactly what she was expecting to hear.
She grinned very slightly, "You know, yesterday, I was planning to order our three prankster ensigns to clean the warp plasma manifolds as punishment for their poor conduct yesterday, but today, I've had a change of heart."

Tuvok looked at her with a perplexed expression, "May I ask, Captain, what has prompted you to change your mind?"

"Those dead creatures, Tuvok, I believe they were not intended as a threat; in fact, quite the opposite: a gift. But you were right about them being a message.
For Harry, B'Elanna, and Tom, I believe our young feline friend is trying to let you know how appreciated and very important you are to him, and to our three rowdy ensigns, I think it was an olive branch, his way of saying 'I forgive you, and you're still very important to me too, so let's still be good friends'."

Tuvok pondered her words carefully but looked unconvinced, "Assuming your hypothesis is correct, Captain, I still fail to see the logic behind the decision to change your mind about the proposed disciplinary action."
Janeway's smile broadened, "Sometimes, Mr. Tuvok, among us, often illogical humans, forgiveness has a habit of becoming contagious."


After the relaxing day of shore leave, the next day on the paradise planet was dedicated to foraging for supplies before Voyager's departure.

Everyone pitched in, and by evening, the combined efforts of the crew had filled the ship's stores with an abundance of fresh produce and supplies. There was so much that one of the cargo bays and several empty crew quarters needed to be converted into cold storage areas to accommodate the extra inventory.

By late afternoon, just 24 hours after the beach incident, Aki had transformed back into his humanoid form.

After discovering the dangers Aki faced during transformation, the doctor took it upon himself to develop an injectable supplement that would significantly boost Aki's nutrition and metabolism temporarily. This supplement allowed Aki to transform more quickly and safely without the need for extensive energy-building sessions beforehand.

Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat. (Complete) (+Audiobook Option) (PG-Rated)Where stories live. Discover now