Pledge your worth to me.(AU)

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Author's note
Im not sorry Airy fans.. (Yo man doesn't die but do hope he got medical insurance and enough for a therapist after this.)
Inspired by the other part "Bruh?! Concept idea?!"
AU is now called "Scrap metal AU",

Brief summary of AU:At the beginning, Texty was actually normal until episode, when traveling throughout all the different dimensions, they stumbled across one that suddenly caused Texty's laptop to be connected to that horrific robotic body, thus throughout the rest of the series Texty had to remain in hiding sense they couldn't be seen as a normal laptop anymore, at first this problem is concerning and more problem solving is used, like Texty somehow being left charging in the alley way away from public view.
It's complicated, but when the events of episode 17 are reached, Texty knows what to do with their new found body now.

Logic: Airy tried creating a new like, stimulation for the season to make it more interesting, like, flee the facility or something idk.
Texty ends up dragging him into it before he can even start the challenge for the other guys

Liam just chillin, probably wondering where everyone went. He may be tryna speak to everyone else lol.

Anyways enough rambling from me! Onto the story!
Airy's POV

I still can't believe Backpack and his friend got to me, It's hard to believe that 'friend' is Texty, I only recall them being a textbox, not some sort of animatronic. Meh, may as well just brush it off as always, it's nice to have some company around at least despite Backpack somewhat hating me, I honestly don't see what I actually did wrong, the challenges I made seemed fun and it's not like it's an actual killing game. Speaking of which! I gotta prepare this next challenge, it's gonna be great. I didn't make this one for the.. First season. (Damn), so this will surely be a first for these guys. They seemed to have done well with the rock in the sand challenge, so this time. I'm gonna put these guys in a different place! It's gonna be such a good surprise. Maybe I'll add some traps like more falling pillars or water pools. I don't know. Nothing could actually go wrong right? It's been awhile sense I've started making this thing but it seems to be going well, I didn't want backpack to see it cause he'll just overreact over it.

3rd person POV

If only the excited host noticed the figure looming over them, their bright blue screen glowing. They seemed angry. (Interruption from the author but I imagine this playing when texty shows up  vv)

(Returning to the story-)
Texty's POV

This son of a BITCH. What kind of god damn challenge is he pulling, what the hell is that. I have a hand, or well paw raised. I still admire how sharp those claws are, never thought they would have an actual use tho.. Until now. Im honestly surprised this asshole hasn't noticed me yet despite my newer form, thanks to that one frickin dimension.. But oh cat on catnip I'm about to make this fella pay for lying to Liam about sending the contestants back today. I'll put his head out of that damn gutter and see how it feels to be a fucking puppet for one's god damn entertainment, he'll pay. HE'LL PAY.

Airy's POV

Hold on, I think I feel someone or somebody looming over me, Backpack is kind of shorter than me. So that means, I slowly turn around from my chair and look up to the see them. An open textbox on a laptop connected to some animatronic body, well, this body has wiring hanging out of literally everywhere on it. Which I gotta say is rather creepy, but Texty couldn't mean any harm sense I sent them home before their friends. Right? I decide to try talking to them as I softly and calmly say "Hello, can I help you with so-"

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