I said turn it off.(AU?)WIP?

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Author's note
ALTERNATIVE ROUTE/ENDING TO "turn that radio off" 
Contains possible horror elements, swearing is also present along with blood elements
Contains same storyline as "Pledge your worth to me(AU)" (gonna be honest when I say I did dislike that part, I'll try to make up it's crap with this chapter lol)

(Please skip/ignore this chapter if you do not like the idea of Texty harming their two object friends)THIS HASN'T HAPPENED YET -story on cliffhanger, this message added on will be removed when said thing happens.

Yes I've wrote physical violence like this before lol /e dance

Texty's POV
I'm still residing inside of Liam, he and Bryce have been flipping through dimensions for about hours now. To be honest I would prefer this without the agonizing pain cycle. They just go over and over it again without reaching whatever place their trying to get to. I'd protest about going through several layers of pain but, yeah I've said it before, multiple times, laptop, is off. 
I'd play some waiting room music if I could, sitting here and listening to all the rambunctious events and feeling the pain moments later is all I'm going to be experiencing in here.

Until a certain dimension where they don't die in 2 seconds, in matter of fact they're both still alive and together from the sound of it, apparently their now looking around, god this is stupid. Moments later I hear a scuffling noise that catches both Liam and Bryce's attention. And before I myself even know it something's jumping onto Liam, and instead of whatever it is immediately murdering him, it... Unzips him? I hear him unzipping and Bryce shouting "HEY!" A cold hand grabbed the laptop, oh crap- it's yanked out and I feel the laptop being taken into something else, oh my god that better not be this weirdo's mouth, anyways. OH SHIT. FUCK- WHY AM I BEING STOLEN, I hear Liam and Bryce chase after whatever this thing is, but soon those other footsteps grow farther and farther, great, I'm being kidnapped by some weirdo dimension. I feel this being go up something as I hear scratching against metal, is this dude going up a pipe system? I hate this dimension already, I should've asked to stay in the- 

3rd person POV
CRASH, the mysterious thief lands in some, engineering room, another being identical to this person glares at them, the figure lowers its jaws and drops the laptop onto some iron table coated in oil and such. The other being chirps at the thief. The thief nudges its head towards the entrance it came in on. Before chirping back and leaving, leaving the laptop behind for the other being it just 'talked to', the being glares curiously at the laptop before chirping with an idea. Grabbing the laptop with it's jaws just like the thief and going underneath the table. 


Liam's POV

OH MY GOD, Where the hell did that thing take Texty, to be honest it scared me badly by jumping on me like that but holy shit that thing took Texty, this is gonna be a troublesome dimension, isn't it. Me and Bryce are just running through corridors trying to find whatever that thing was again, we can't leave this place without Texty, this is all supposed to be a team effort. I glance at Bryce who was just, shoving old crates out of the way. I look up at the celling to see large vents, that's, that's odd. Very odd, sense this place seems so empty now do, "Bryce- wait." I say, he halts in his tracks and turns to him, raising an eyebrow, I point up to one of the large vents, he looks up, then looks puzzled. "Do you think whatever these things are live up in these vents? Their rather big from the vents in our world." Bryce just looks at me and says "How are we supposed to navigate a VENT SYSTEM." I shrug and say "It could be where that thing went. And hey, it might be a whole village up in there." Bryce glares at me like I just suggested walking into a field of bear traps. But then sighs and says "Help me stack the crates up." I smile and nod.

??? Pov



put here

wire wire

strange device, head


scrap beauty



Texty's POV
I wish I could shout hands off right now because this thing is really just fixing me onto something right now, and to my luck the laptop opens a little because of it, so I immediately turn it on and go to the old airhorn video, 

??? Pov

Hurt, head

harmful device


Texty's POV
Oh my god is this thing some sort of bird, it's chirping like crazy now while backing up into the wall. I can barely see the full image of it, but it's wearing some sort of tattered cloak and seems to be on all fours. I search up an eagle call video in attempt to scare it away from the laptop. 

??? POV

strange device




Texty's POV
That, that made it worse, I'm fucking stupid for trying that I can't even talk bird or whatever this thing is speaking in. I hear more scampering, crap, I'm dead. I'm so dead, I see two more of these things land by the screaming one, they all look, identical, that's so odd. Are these things clones of each other or something? One of the newer figures walks up to the laptop and puts its hand on the top before closing the laptop.
I hear more chirping

Their helping this thing attach the laptop to whatever it is, I couldn't see it.
this feels bad

is it bad?



Author's note
Yeah I'll edit this part when I feel motivated for it again(or create another chapter for it
cliffhanger cause my dumb ahh lost motivation 

first cliffhanger ever!! *thumbs up*

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