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Author's note:

Request for StonewonkorRosen (WELCOME BACK!!) and Pearasol

Author's note:Request for StonewonkorRosen (WELCOME BACK!!) and Pearasol

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I combined both these requests cause I thought they both fit the topic of "CHAOS" so get ready for one heck of a chapter you guys!

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I combined both these requests cause I thought they both fit the topic of "CHAOS" so get ready for one heck of a chapter you guys!

3rd Person POV.

Ah yes, a peaceful night in the home of quite the group. The silent sounds of crickets and owls hooting rings through out the blissful night under the watch of the glowing moon..
This seems like a normal d-

"WAKE UP EVERYONE!" Owen shouts through out the house. "WHO WANTS TO GET CRAZY FOR THE NEW YEARS!?!" Bryce shouts right after, "Dude it's 11:50 P-" Oliver starts before suddenly a loud array of a collective "WE DO!!" rings through out the house as air horn noises start playing from the laptop in the kitchen. "Jesus fucking christ-" Mary hisses as she sits up before loud stumbling noises are heard, now we can all see a blue candle and a moldy piece of bread making out at the front of the bottom of the stairs as they both stumble into the hallway. "COME ON LETS GO LIGHT FIRE WORKS KIDS!" Koi shouts as childish "YAY"s echo from upstairs followed by loud sounds of running energic feet. "FUCK YEAAH NEW YEARSSSSS" Rosenpulvar shouts from out of nowhere as the sudden sounds of gunshots are heard, scaring Jupiter, Oliver's cat, awake as the detective adjusts his monocule with a silent "what the-" Before he's interrupted by the sound of an eagle coming from the same laptop in the kitchen. "WE GOT SO MUCH FUCKING ALCHOL IN THE FRIDGE!!!!!!!" Bryce shouts raising his arms and hollering like a mad dog.

Oliver is absolutely dumbfounded by the sight of all this as Koi and the kids run past him, Koi slams the backyard door open as the little group jump outside. Nora holding the fireworks as well. Mary just walks past him as well as she just enters the kitchen rubbing her head from all the new commotion. "sup shawty" Texty types, "Shut up." Mary grumbles lightheartedly. "cmon bbg its the new years" Texty types as suddenly Liam and Bryce can be seen taking literal shots of alcohol in the background of the kitchen with Owen and Parker cheering them on. Oliver is about to say something before Rosenpulvar bursts into the room into on her hind legs and wings unfolded while screeching like a rabid animal as she fires all across the roof with a fucking AK-47. 
"GUYS IT'S NOT EVEN NEW YEARS YET-" Oliver shouts before suddenly Rosenpulvar whacks him with her tail. "NOBODY FUCKING CARES GRRAAAAAHHHHHHH" She shouts as she continues firing at the roof, "HOW'D YOU EVEN GET THAT?!" Oliver shouts, Mary just grumbles "This better be a fuckin' dream..." Loud chanting can be heard from the backyard as if you could glance out the window you'd see Koi casting some black magic shi while the kids are circled in front of her chanting "DO IT DO IT!!" While she sits in front of the fireworks. 

The house goes absolutely crazy this night as everyone is shouting and screaming random bullshit at each other as the time ticks down to 12AM as Texty plays some loud ass celebration music as a loud bang can be heard from the backyard, followed by kids screaming "YEAH!!" Oliver is looking down at the ground dumbfounded, Mary is taking shots too now with the most careless expression someone could ever see. Rosenpulvar goes "WOOOO" as she throws the now emptied AK-47 at Oliver, who instantly falls to the ground upon impact. "OW WHAT THE FUCK." Oliver shouts. Orange can be seen on top of the fridge now as the fox just silently swishes her tail, "Average day in San Fransisco." Orange mumbles as Oliver shouts "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "EVERYTHING GRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Rosenpulvar shouts in response as Parthus appears on the screen of the laptop. "What the hell is going on." Parthus says, "yo mama lmao" Texty types. 
As the chaos goes on, suddenly a loud crash at the window is heard as everything goes quiet for a second before Rosenpulvar shouts "NEW YEARS ROBBERY LETS GOO RAHHHH" as she clenches her front claws. "Oh jesus christ." Oliver mumbles as a familiar voice is heard, "THIS IS A FUCKING ROBBERY BITCHES!!", what the, WAS THAT THE FUCKING PILL BOTTLE. "Not these guys again.." Mary grumbles before groaning and just cracking her knuckles. "fuck em up" is all Texty types. "DUDE THEIR AWAKE-" The spray bottle can be heard shouting before a loud crash can be heard. "COME AT US LOSERS!!" The pencil bag shouts as Rosenpulvar screams "BET!" "NOW HOLD ON-" Oliver yells before Koi comes in as well. Liam picks up a chair "WOOO! TIME YOU PAY FOR THAT ZIPPER!" The backpack shouts, in a mostly drunken tone of voice as everything goes to the broken window. 
Stumbles, crashes, and yells can be heard as Texty waits in the kitchen with the kids. "and this kids, is gang violence" Texty types. "Huh.." Nora mumbles as Uno and Dos go "Oooohh!!" Minutes later, Mary is dragging the spray bottle into the kitchen. "Shield your eyes kids." Mary grumbles as she flips on the garbage disposal. "WOAH WHAT THE FUCK WA-" The spray bottle shouts as Mary raises his head above the sink.
{for reader safety! I will not be describing what happens next! But you know what happened anyways, new ship spray bottle x garbage disposal- Mary girlbossing}
"i <3 you sm mary" Texty types. "Love you too, be right back." Mary says, before walking away to the rest of the fight dragging the spray bottle back. Bro doesn't seem to have much energy now tho hahah..
"YO IS HE DEAD??" Owen can be heard shouting moments later. "WHAT THE FUCK-" Goes the pencil bag, "SLAY, LITERALLY" Goes Moldy.
"Texty, what does 'dead' mean?" Nora asks the laptop. "its where people sleep 6 feet underground" Texty types, "I heard orange say dead means someone moves on to the afterlife above.." Goes Dos as Uno nods, "well that guy went to the afterlife below lmaoo" Texty types. "GUYS WATCH THIS!" Rosenpulvar shouts from the fight before a spitting noise followed by a loud sizzle can be heard. "AGHH WHAT THE SHIT MATE" The pencil bag shouts, "dont say any of those words till your 18 kids" Texty types. "LEMME FOLLOW THAT UP!!" Koi shouts as a loud zap can be heard. "FUU-" The pencil bag shouts as a loud crash of wood breaking is heard. "BANG LOSER!!" Liam shouts, "OW-" The pill bottle is heard.
the fight rages on, till hours later sounds of police cars can be heard..

To this very day my friends, this new years has been deemed the most chaotic of all time.. 
With dragons, blood, violence, and gay people.
This is the tale, of "NEW YEARS MAYHEM", brought to you by ShadyTadyWrites.

"OLIVER YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU PHONED THE PO PO!!" Rosenpulvar shouts, "FUCK YOU!!" Oliver shouts back.


"dont do what we did people reading this" Texty types to you all.

And happy new years! - The author's note.


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