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Song: Way down We Go - KALEO


Theo Nott


Looking around the room, I couldn't remember how I got there. All I knew, was that it was cold, and I didn't like the smell of blood.

The entire room, or old classroom, was nearly pitch black. I could barely see around the place. When I searched for the door, figuring I had just sobered up from whatever I had, I bumped into nearly every second table or chair their was. What a nightmare.

"There's no door, brother."

The word 'brother' shot down my spine like the winter air at the owlry.

"You lost yourself, and now you're locked in."

My eyes shifted the dark room, but no one was around. I didn't hear breathing, nor movements. I was sure I was alone.

"Come on, brother. I'm not that hard to find."

The words echoed the room, and convinced me that I wasn't alone."

"Where the fuck are you?" I called, careless about the loud echo I was causing.

He laughed. "Find me. Like old times."

"Old times?" I scoffed, my eyes still scanning. "Fucking hell. There's no such thing anymore as old times."

Once again his laughter echoed the classroom. "Find me, Theodore."

The classroom was larger than I thought. It stored all the chairs and tables that were not used in another classroom; all stacked on top of each other. Yet, I knew this wasn't the attic.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked as I walked through the room. "This some sick spell you set out to haunt me?"

Laughing, I heard his amusement. "Some sick spell? Now why would I want to curse my own brother?"

"Why would you not want to?"

At last I stepped around a corner, and there he stood. I took a step back in shock, nearly tripping.

"What? Scared to see me? It's been so long."

I knew he was smiling, but my eyes weren't on him. They were on the blood soaking everything as it dripped down his standing body; all from a knife wound in between his ribcage, right in the middle of his chest.

"Fuck off," I said, my eyes shooting up to his. "I had no fucking choice."

Chuckling, my brother took a step forward as if alive. "Yet you still drew a knife into your own brother's chest. But you had no choice..."

Taking another step back, I tried reaching for my wand, wherever it might have been; but my pockets were empty.

"You're not going to kill me again, are you?"

I looked at him in fear. Killed him? Strange to hear it from his lips. Wrong.

"Your wand won't help you, brother."

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked, forming a fist with my right hand.

He shrugged, carelessly looking around the room. "Haven't been here in ages. Feels weird. Odd really."

He looked to calm for me not to confused, or bitter.

"Fuck off, Ian."

Hasn't said his name in months...

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