Part 61

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His stitches were definitely broken.


"Is that blood?"

"Izuku!" Shoto rushed to the vigilante's side, his breaths becoming rushed as the dark red started to stain Izuku's shirt. He immediately put up ice everywhere around them as protection.

"When did- you-" Shoto clutched his hair as Izuku groaned at the strain in his hip. "When did that happen?!" He yelled, "When did you get fucking stabbed?!" His uncharacteristically loud voice broke through Izuku's Izuku's and he looked up.

"I'm fine." Izuku stuttered out, he knew that he was far from fine, he was so uncomfortable and it hurt so bad.

Dabi melted all the ice around them and puffed out a laugh when he saw Izuku hunched over himself on the ground.

"Fucking finally" his staples seem to struggle to keep his damaged skin intact as he grins and sends a flurry of fire at Shoto who puts up a wall of ice that just barley keeps them safe.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Shoto tries to help Izuku but hesitates when the possibility of making it worse strikes him.

"Do you really want to have this conversation right fucking now?" Izuku coughs. His skin had become pale and clammy.

He tries to rip more of his shirt but you can only do so much with one hand when you're bleeding out. "Shoto I hate to bother you but could you tear a bit of my shirt for me, please?" He rasps and Shoto immediately rips a substantial amount of his own garment and hands it to Izuku who groans.

Izuku didn't want to assume that Shoto would help with his little stab wound but come on.

"Dude, could you tie it around my hip really tight?"

"Sorry," Shoto, who's so overwhelmed with concern that he couldn't get his mind around what he was doing, gets to wrapping the make shift bandage when another burst of blue flames comes at them.


"Izuku don't move," Shoto says as he tries to keep Izuku from yelling again. "Tell whats-his-face to fucking shut it then!" He clenches his fist in the dirt below them and coughs.

"Okay you know what, I'm done, I did my job." Dabi says and gets a walkie-talkie out of a pocket inside his coat before he speaks into it. "He's down- what do you mean you didn't think I could do- of course I beat him!"

"Motherfucking piece of cunt ass bullshit!" Izuku says as he realises his helplessness. He had like 3 choices.

1. Give up (the easiest of the lot)

2. Fight and die (he's considering this one)

3. Fight and give up and die (a morbid combination but you've gotta be realistic sometimes)

"Shoto, sorry to spring this on you but I need you to run." Izuku mutters with his eyes and lips closed tight and Shoto almost scoffs, if they weren't lying on the ground in front of a guy who's trying to kill them then he probably would've punched Izuku. "Are you that thick?" He says, "after all this shit you're gonna ask me to leave?"

"If you get hurt-"

"You're already on the verge of dying, do you want your last words to be hypocritical?" Shoto shoots him down with a glare and reaches for the waistband of his pants to reveal a small knife.

"Where was this when I was flinging icicles at Back-to-School over there?" Izuku huffs and Shoto just shushed him. "Emergencies."

"I'd characterize Office-Supplies as an emergency"

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