Part 62

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So it was a tear.


It reeks in here.

Fuck, everything hurts.


So fucking loud.


My mouth tastes like bile.


"Shut up." I say, as loud as a I can but it ends up sounding like a weird garble because my tongue feels so heavy in my mouth.


"Shut it." I say, clearer this time
God, it feels like I've never used my mouth before. I'm getting a better sense of my body now. Everything still feels like lead and my head is pounding. I'm lying down on something firm but not solid, I think this is what I thought smelled bad.


This bitch-

"If you don't shut your fucking mouth right fucking now-"

I don't know how, but I have enough strength to push myself over to the edge of whatever I'm lying on before I throw up.

Now my mouth really tastes like bile.

I don't know if whoever was calling me did it again, my ears began to ring after throwing up. I tried to open my eyes but decided it was too much work.

I roll onto my left side and go back to sleep.


"You better call us if he wakes up again." Someone says, "Fucking vigilante's taking his sweet ass time" they mutter before slamming the door shut.

How long was I out?

I wait for a while before trying to open my eyes, it's more for preparing to move with how fucked my body is but we'll pretend that I'm analysing my surroundings.

I was still lying on my left side, probably facing a wall or something.

I didn't hear anything besides the loboured breathing of whoever was sharing this room with me. The air smelled stale and dense, humid but very cold. The thing I was sleeping on hadn't adopted a pleasant smell since I last woke up.

The wound at my hip was bad enough to still cause discomfort, even while every body part felt numb and heavy. Wiggling my toes was a feat, lifting myself up was on a whole other level.

I didn't have a shirt on, I guess my hosts took what was left of it and were kind enough to not replace it. Everything else seemed to be in place except for my shoes, didn't have 'em anymore.

Finally, I opened my eyes.

It was a big room, all cement walls, the bed frame that I was on seemed to be the only furniture here (I was laying on layers of cardboard that smelled like it was rotting from the inside out). I was in a corner of the room, the door was on the opposite wall, diagonally opposite from where I was.

The farthest from where I was.

There was one camera in the corner on top of the door, one of those 360° ones.

My roommate was sat at the foot of my bed, on the floor. I couldn't see their face. The were sat with their knees up, head tilted down. I could tell that they were blond though.


"Are you kidding me?" God, even the muscles in my face were sore and my tongue felt dry as fuck and like it was 3 times the size it's supposed to be.

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